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Workbooks & Handbooks

     Finding Jobs & Surviving a Layoff Handbooks:
     The Quick Job Search & Outplacement Guides
     Harry Dahlstrom
     #10108 These two inexpensive 48-page bestsellers are used by hundreds of thousands of
     job seekers each year. Popular with public assistance and outplacement programs, the hand-
     books are designed to assist the unemployed in finding work. Each offers step-by-step guidance on everything from writing
     resumes and letters, completing job applications, and interviewing for jobs to dealing with anger and handling money:
        y  Job Hunting Handbook: How to Land an Interview,     y  Surviving a Layoff: Your Guide to a Soft Landing
       Impress the Hiring Managers, and Get the Job (#4162)  and a Smooth Re-Entry (#4163)
     Available in both English and Spanish versions. $6.99 each. SPECIALS ON BOTH BOOKS: 1 copy of each for $12.99;
     10 copies of each for $113.95. SPECIALS ON EACH TITLE: 10 copies, $57.95; 50 copies, $249.95; 100 copies,
     $495.95; 1,000 copies, $4,799.00.
               Job Survival: How to Adjust to           Job Smarts: 13 Steps to
               the Workplace and Keep Your Job          Job Success (3rd Edition)
               Dixie Lee Wright                         Dixie Lee Wright
               #4013 Shows how to adjust to work-       #3583 Designed for students and adults
               places and retain jobs. Covers basic job   with low reading levels and other special
               retention topics – attitude, skills, goals,   needs, this highly simplified and visual
               problem solving, stress, following rules,   book outlines how to find, get, and keep
     and having good habits and manners. Designed for any-  a job. Covers identifying skills, setting goals, communi-
     one with low reading levels and special needs. Filled with   cating attitudes, completing applications, interviewing
     user-friendly workbook activities. Free downloadable In-  for the job, settling into a job, and much more. Includes
     structor's Guide. 208 pages. $29.00. SPECIALS: 10 cop-  free downloadable Instructor’s Guide. 96 pages. $29.00.
     ies for $267.95, 100 copies for $2,359.00, and 1,000   SPECIALS:  10 copies for $267.95; 100 copies for
     copies for $22,999.00.                  $2,359.00; 1,000 copies for $22,999.00.
              Quick Resume Guide: Six Steps to Building an Effective Resume
              #7786 The six resume-building steps outlined in this book help job seekers quickly master resume
              writing basics, including editing, rewriting, and targeting the resume on potential employers. Users also
               learn how to write effective, personalized cover letters to accompany their resume. Includes clear sam-
               ple resumes, helpful worksheets, and practical advice. Free downloadable Instructor's Guide. 64 pages.
               $8.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $64.95; 100 copies for $609.50; 500 copies for $2,647.50.

    Job Interview Success Workbook: How to Interview Effectively
    #6351 Helps job seekers understand and prepare for the job interview. Walks them through
    dozens of exercises designed to get them ready for their next job interview. Users learn about
    everything from researching a company’s mission statement to negotiating their salary or wage.
    Jam-packed with tips and self-evaluation exercises. Designed to be used as a stand-alone re-
    source or in conjunction with the two interview DVDs: Step-by-Step Interview Success (#6069)
    and Winning Answers to Common Interview Questions (#6591). 44 pages. $8.95. SPECIALS: 10
    copies for $64.95; 100 copies for $609.50; 500 copies for $2,647.50.
    Job Savvy: How to Be a Success           Pocket Book of Job Survival & Success Tips
    at Work (6th Edition)                    #6474 This pocket-sized (4½” x 7”) reference includes short
    LeVerne L. Ludden, Ed.D.                 forms, checklists, and tips for surviving the first 30 days
    #5089  Helps individuals develop job     on the job and prospering thereafter. Focuses on dress/
    survival skills, increase productivity, and   grooming, surviving the new-job jitters, rules/policies,
    improve job satisfaction and success.    co-worker relations/teamwork, supervisors, self-manage-
    Covers punctuality, dress, problem solv-  ment/customer service skills, effective workplace commu-
    ing, ethics, communication, technolo-    nication, using/abusing technology, goal setting, lifelong
    gy, performance reviews, promotions, and much more.   learning, and much more. Offers a daily planner and list of
    240 pages. $34.00. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $321.95;   contacts. Ideal job-retention tool. 32 pages. $7.95. SPE-
    100 copies for $2,959.00. See details at www.impact   CIALS: 1 package of 25 for $65.00; 10 packages (250)                        for $629.95.
                 Overcoming Barriers to Employment Success (3rd Edition)
                 #6827 Brings the best-selling inventory Barriers to Employment Success (#4285) alive by offering
                 practical advice on how to overcome five major categories of barriers for finding and keeping a
                 job, Users learn to overcome personal, physical, financial, and emotional barriers to getting a job;
                 discover more effective ways to find work; explore education and training options; make better
                 decisions; and develop a career plan. An easy to read and engagin\g workbook includes nu-
                 merous worksheets, checklists, tips, and journaling exercises. Free Instructor's Guide. 126 pages.
                  $28.00. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $264.95; 100 copies for $2,699.00.

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