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Addiction and Recovery DVD/SV Bundle: Drug Use and Abuse Bundle:
     27-35 DVD/Streaming Video Programs      21 DVD/Streaming Video Programs
     #9607 Drug addiction, relapse, and recovery remain per- #9606  Drug use and abuse in the U.S. has had devastat-
     sistent issues in today’s society. This set of videos examines  ing consequences for individuals, families, and commu-
     the who, what, where, and when of addiction among both  nities. This collection of videos examines various aspects
     youth and adults as well as among men and women. Offers  of the drug epidemic. Covers all types of stimulants, in-
     an inside look into causes and consequences of addiction.  halants, addictive drugs, and opiates, from recreational
     Includes a rich collection of stories for understanding the  alcohol, bath salts, and marijuana to more addictive and
     problems and solutions to  addictive behaviors. Can  pur- deadly crack, cocaine, heroin, and oxycontin. PURCHASE
     chase separately. PURCHASE OPTIONS: $5,499.00 for 35  OPTIONS: $3,599.00 for 21 Streaming  Videos or
     Streaming Videos (3-Year Subscriptions); $4,499.00 for  $3,799.00 for DVDs. $6,999.00 for both streaming
     27 DVDs. $9,899.00 for both streaming video and DVD  video and DVD bundles. FREE SHIPPING, PREVIEWS
     bundles. FREE SHIPPING, PREVIEWS & INSTRUCTOR'S  & INSTRUCTOR'S GUIDES! Sample titles include:
     GUIDES! Sample titles include:              y Alcohol ($99.95)
        y The Addictive Personality ($129.95)    y  Cannabis: The Evil Weed? ($300.00)
        y Digital Addiction ($169.95)            y Cocaine and Crack ($99.95)
        y Drug Overdose ($99.95)                 y Inhalants ($99.95)
        y Drug Use and Abuse ($179.95)           y Marijuana ($99.95)
        y Gambling Addiction ($129.95)           y Opium: Addicted to Pleasures ($300.00)
        y Rehab ($169.95)                        y Time Bomb: Oxytocin Addiction ($169.95)
        y   What Every Physician Wants Patients to Know ($239.95)  For an additional 14 titles in this bundle as well as previews of
     For an additional 20+ titles in this bundle as well as previews of  each, browse Product #9606 at
     each, browse Product #9607 at
     Food, Nutrition, Cooking, and Eating Bundle: 21 DVD/Streaming Video Programs
     #9952  This collection of 51 videos focuses on the importance of food, nutrition, cooking, eating, and grocery shopping
      in today’s fast-paced, health-conscious world. Most videos (50) are available in DVD format as well as 3-Year Streaming
      Video Subscription format (51). Click onto each hyperlinked title below for detailed descriptions, order information, em-
     bedded previews, instructor’s guides, and more. Can purchase separately. SPECIALS: $13,199.00 for a 50-DVD bundle
     or $12,969.00 for 51-Streaming Video bundle; $23,999.00 for DVD (50) + Streaming Video (50) bundle. FREE
     SHIPPING, PREVIEWS & INSTRUCTOR'S GUIDES! Sample titles include:
         y Adventures in the Grocery Store ($99.95)     y MyPlate ($99.95)
         y All About Nutrients ($129.95)        y Truth About Exercise ($300.00)
         y Colameco’s Kitchen Survival Guide ($399.95)   For an additional 14 titles in this bundle as well as pre-
         y Eating Disorders: The Inner Voice ($89.95)  views of each, browse Product #9952 at www.impact
         y Fear of Fat ($169.95)  

     Ex-Offender Re-Entry Success Video Bundle:    Life Skills Video Bundle:
     14 Streaming Video and 23 DVDs          32 Streaming Videos and 29 DVDs
     #9605 Ex-offenders face                 #9610  Successfully navigating through
     numerous challenges when                life requires the development and use of
     re-entering the free world.             numerous skills. The following video bundle
     From finding housing and                (most available in both streaming video and
     a good job to securing                  DVD formats) includes 32 video programs
     transportation and health               that examine some of today’s more import-
     care, each day thousands                ant life skills – maintaining good health,
     of ex-offenders struggle                managing money, dealing with conflict,
     to make it on the outside and stay out for good. The fol-  setting goals, shopping for daily essentials,
     lowing video bundle (available in both streaming video   managing stress and anger, parenting, living
     and DVD formats) offers numerous tips and testimonials   independently, observing etiquette, and
     on what it takes to make a successful prison-to-payroll   much more. Can purchase separately (click
     transition. Can purchase separately.  PURCHASE OP-  on individual titles below). PURCHASE OPTIONS: $3,629.00
     TIONS: $1,789.00 for complete bundle of 14 stream-  for all 32 Streaming  Video Subscription programs;
     ing videos $3,099.00 for complete bundle of 23 DVDs;   $3,399.00 for 29 DVD programs; and $6,199.00 for 29
     $4,699.00 for both streaming video and DVD bundles.   Streaming  Video Subscriptions + 29 DVD Programs.
     Sample titles include:                  Sample titles include:
        y From Prison to Home ($169.95)          y Achieve a Healthy Life Style ($129.95)
        y From Parole to Payroll: Resume and Job Applications ($99.95)    y Cash, Credit, and Your Future ($99.95)
        y In Your Hands: Life After Prison ($169.95)    y Finding Your Element ($169.95)
        y  It’s More Expensive to Do Nothing: Prison, Recidivism, and     y Goal Setting: Discovering Your Gifts ($99.95)
       Remediation ($169.95)                     y  Handling Anger and Frustration ($99.95)
        y Missouri’s Different Approach to Juvenile Justice ($169.95)    y Help! I’m Stressed ($99.95)
        y Parole: Getting Out and Staying Out ($69.95)    y Managing Conflict Resolution ($99.95)
                                                 y On Your Own: Independent Living Skills ($599.70 - 6 Videos)
        y Returning Citizens ($169.95)
     For additional titles in this bundle as well as previews of each,   For additional titles in this bundle as well as previews of each,
     browse Product #9605 at  browse Product #9610 at

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