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Mental Health Video Bundle: 54 DVD/Streaming Video Programs
     #9608 Mental health issues — especially anxiety, depression, and anger — increas-
     ingly take center stage with individuals, families, schools, workplaces, and com-
     munities. The following collection of mental health videos focuses on everything
     from debilitating mood disorders to self-destructive behaviors. They include expert
     advice on effective treatments, including medication, therapy, and meditation. Can
     purchase separately. SPECIAL: $5,899.00 for all 54 video programs. Several
     programs also available in DVD format (see individual titles for details).
         y Anxiety Disorders ($129.95)    y Maintaining Mental Health ($129.95)
         y Bipolar: Life Between Two Extremes ($169.95)    y  PTSD: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
         y Building Psychological Resilience ($129.95)  ($129.95)
         y C.A.G.E. the Rage ($99.95)    y Second Opinion ($3,198.40 - 32 Videos)
      Browse Product #9608 at for an additional 25 titles.
      On-the-Job Success Video Bundle:        Job Search Success Video Bundle:
      11 DVD/Streaming Video Programs         35 DVD/Streaming Video Programs
      #9603 What does it take to survive in the workplace   #9602 Discover the key steps to finding jobs and launch-
                                              ing careers with this unique set of 35 videos. This bundle
      and become a success at work? This video bundle in-
      cludes important programs on how to keep a job and   covers everything from career planning and assessment
      advance one’s career. SPECIALS: $1,299.00 for bundle   to  completing  applications,  writing  resumes,  network-
      of all 11 videos in DVD format; $1,199.00 for bundle   ing, interviewing, and negotiating salary and benefits.
                       of all 11 videos in Stream-  SPECIALS: $5,999.00 for bundle of all 49 DVD pro-
                                              grams; $4,869.00 for bundle of all 49 streaming
                       ing Video (3-Year Subscrip-
                       tion) format; $3,999.00 for   video subscriptions: and $10,299.00 for bundle
                                              of all 49 DVDs + 49 Streaming  Video Subscrip-
                       combined  Streaming Vid-
                       eo + DVD bundles.  FREE   tions. FREE SHIPPING, PREVIEWS & INSTRUCTOR'S
                       SHIPPING, PREVIEWS & IN-  GUIDES.  Sample titles include:
                       STRUCTOR'S GUIDES.         y Finding a Job ($89.95)
                                                  y Job Search Success ($519.80) (4 videos)
         y  Professionalism 101: Business Etiquette, Professional     y LinkedIn for Networking and Job Search ($99.95)
        Image, and Working Together ($299.85 - 3 videos)    y Getting the Job: Job Search and Networking ($99.95)
         y Doing the Job: Basic Job Skills ($99.95)    y   You’re Hired! Job-Winning Interview Strategies ($99.95)
         y Doing the Job: Starting Out and the Daily Grind ($99.95)  For an additional 41 videos in this bundle as well as pre-
         y My First Job ($129.95)             views of each, browse Product #9602 at www.impact
         y Starting a Job ($129.95) 
         y Succeeding On the Job ($89.95)
         y Person-to-Person Customer Service ($99.95)  Career Exploration Video Bundle:
         y What Your Boss Wants: The Induction Process ($129.95)
         y  What Your Boss Wants: Your Probationary Period ($129.95)  267 DVD/Streaming Video Programs
                                              #9604 Explore hundreds of attractive jobs and careers
     Positive Parenting Video Bundle:         with these four sets of 267 high-interest videos. Can pur-
     4 DVDs/11 Streaming Videos               chase separately. SPECIALS: Complete bundle (267) of
                                              3-year Streaming Videos for $13,999.00; 267 DVD
     #9954 Raising healthy children           bundle for $13,999.00; 267 DVDs + 267 Streaming
     and  building  strong  families  go      Videos (combo package) for $23,199.00. FREE SHIP-
     hand in hand. The following vid-         PING, PREVIEWS & INSTRUCTOR'S GUIDES.
     eo programs address some of the
     most important issues affecting             y  Expert Q&A Advice on 239 Job and Career Fields (#8103)
     child rearing – from birth to teens         y   STEM Careers in Two Years (#8663, 4 videos - $399.80)
     – and evolving family situations,           y  The Complete Career Clusters Series (#6251, 16
     including divorce, single par-            videos - $1,599.00)
     enting, fatherhood, and extended families.  SPECIALS:
     $3,699.00 for all 11 streaming videos; $439.00 for     y  Top Careers in Two Years (#6766, 11 videos - $1,099.00)
     all 4 DVD programs; $3,399.00 for both streaming
     video and DVD programs.  FREE SHIPPING, PRE- Anger, Rage, Violence & Trauma
     VIEWS & INSTRUCTOR'S GUIDES.            Video Bundle: 24 DVDs/23 Streaming Videos
      Titles include:                        #10077 This bundle focuses on the causes, consequences,
        y Building Strong Families ($169.95)  and treatments for anger, rage, violence, and trauma. SPE-
        y  The Dad Difference: Raising Children Birth    CIALS: $3,389.00 for all 23 titles in 3-year streaming
       to Five ($259.9) – SV only            video subscription format: $3,579.00 for 24 DVDs;
        y Fathering: What It Means to Be a Dad ($99.95)  $6,799.00 for both. FREE SHIPPING, PREVIEWS & IN-
        y  How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children    STRUCTOR’S GUIDES. Sample titles include:
       ($299.85) – SV only                       y Anger: Myths & Truths About the Emotion ($99.95)
        y Life Skills for Teen Parents ($389.85) – SV only    y C.A.G.E. the Rage ($99.95)
        y Parenting 101 ($99.95)                 y Handling Anger & Frustration ($99.95)
        y Parenting Basics Video Library ($2,199.00) – SV only    y Manhood & Violence: Fatal Peril ($149.95)
        y Parenting Principles ($99.95)          y Preventing School Violence ($149.95)
        y  Real Life Parenting Skills Program ($297.00) – SV only  To preview an additional 18 videos in this bundle, browse
        y Single Parenting ($129.95) – SV only  Product #10077 at

                                orders   800.361.1055    |    online ordering  9
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