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64 - Page Pocket Guides - GREAT GIVEAWAYS!

                                The Quick Job Finding Pocket Guide:    BESTSELLER!
                                10 Steps to Jump-Start Your Career . . . and Life! (4th Edition)
                                #9584 Designed for anyone seeking employment – this user-friendly book is
                                filled with essential employment information organized around a 10-step job
                                search process. Readers learn to:
                                     y assess their abilities and skills    y use the Internet effectively
                                     y state an objective    y conduct effective job interviews
                                     y write resumes and letters    y negotiate salary and benefits
                                     y network for job leads    y accept job offers
                                 Special sections focus on documentation, red flags, contacts, references,
                                 government jobs, surviving/advancing on the job, and starting a business.
                                 Jam-packed with engaging self-tests, checklists, and tips. 64 pages. ISBN
                                 978-1-57021-407-1.  $4.95.  SPECIALS:  100 copies for $359.00; 1,000
                                 copies for $2,575.00.

     The Anger Management Pocket Guide: How to Control Anger Before It Controls You!
     #9100 Helps angry men and women better control their emotions. Shows how a vicious circle
     of anger negatively affects physical and mental health as well as relationships. Offers valuable tips
     on how to best control anger, from self-help approaches to professional counseling and therapy.
     More details on page 23. 64 pages. ISBN 978-1-57023-352-4. $2.95. SPECIALS: 25 copies for
     $62.85; 100 copies for $207.00; 1,000 copies for $1,770.00.

    The Re-Entry Employment &     BESTSELLER!             Re-Imagining Life on the
    Life Skills Pocket Guide (4th Edition)                Outside Pocket Guide
    #7142 Helps individuals make smart re-entry           #7441 Helps individuals develop a
    decisions. for:                                       new mindset for living a life based
        y  completing job applications                    on purpose. Covers everything from
        y making key contacts                             assessing one’s happiness, gratitude,
        y conducting effective job interviews              and attitude to identifying key val-
        y negotiating and accepting job offers  ues, skills, and abilities for developing objective – the key
        y surviving and thriving on the job  to self-transformation. Includes self-tests and exercises. 64
    Special life skills and action planning sections focus on fi-  pages. ISBN  978-1-57023-366-1.  $3.95. SPECIALS: 10
    nances, housing, transportation, health, wellness, addiction,  copies for $35.60; 25 copies for $84.00; 50 copies
    recovery, and anger management. Rich with self-tests, ad-  for $158.00; 100 copies for $277.00; 1,000 copies
    vice, strategies, checklists, forms, and resources. 64 pages.  for $2,370.00; and more.
    ISBN 978-1-57023-405-7.  $3.95.  SPECIALS:  25 copies for
    $84.00; 50 copies for $158.00; 100 copies for $277.00;  The Re-Entry Personal
    1,000 copies for $2,370.00.              Finance Pocket Guide
                                             #7497 Helps ex-offenders become fi-
     The Re-Entry Start-Up Pocket Guide      nancially savvy with tips on how to:
     #5512 Helps ex-offenders make wise re-entry     •  set goals
     decisions relating to:                    •  bank and save
                                               •  stay out of debt   •  borrow and invest
       •  documentation  •  housing            •  handle credit cards   •  write checks
       •  employment   •  transportation       •  rent an apartment   •  start a business
       •  health/wellness  •  mental health    •  buy a car   •  get insurance
       •  substance abuse  •  finance/banking
     64 pages. ISBN 978-1-57023-365-4. $2.95. SPECIALS: 25   64 pages. ISBN 978-1-57023-310-4.  $2.95.  SPECIALS: 10
                                             copies for $26.50; 25 copies for $62.85; 100 copies for
     copies for $62.85; 100 copies for $207.00; 1,000 cop-  $207.00; 1,000 copies for $1,770.00.
     ies for $1,770.00.
                                  Military Family & Transition Pocket Guide Collection
                                  #9501 This inexpensive collection of 64-page pocket guides addresses
                                  transition, finance, employment, education, benefits, retirement, legal,
                                  and anger issues affecting military personnel and their families. Can pur-
                                  chase separately. $31.95 for all 10 guides. SPECIALS: 10 sets (100
      BESTSELLER!                 guides) for $290.00; 100 sets (1,000 guides) for $2,319.00.
        y The Military Family Benefits Pocket Guide ($2.95)    y The Military Spouse’s Employment Pocket Guide ($3.95)
        y The Military Family Legal Pocket Guide ($2.95)    y  The Military Spouse’s Map Through the Maze Pocket
        y The Military Family Education Pocket Guide ($2.95)  Guide ($2.95)
        y  The Military Family Financial Independence &      y The Military-to-Civilian Transition Pocket Guide ($2.95)
       Retirement Pocket Guide ($2.95)          y The Anger Management Pocket Guide ($2.95)
        y The Military Personal Finance Pocket Guide ($2.95)    y The Quick Job Finding Pocket Guide ($4.95)
                                orders   800.361.1055    |    online ordering  11
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