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Career Personality           gestions with check boxes for job success and  writing
                 Inventory                    space for developing “My Success Plan.” 2009. Package of
                                              25 for $64.95. SPECIAL: $619.50 for 10 packages.
                 #7704 Helps users better understand
                 how their personality impacts their
                 career choices and satisfaction.  This
                 80-item  assessment  is  similar  to  the   Transition Inventory
                 Myers-Briggs but costs much less and     #8386 Designed to help recent vet-
                 takes less time (15-20 minutes) to ad-   erans make a successful career transi-
    minister. Correlates with the MBTI. 2010. Package of 25   tion, which is often difficult as ex-mil-
    for $75.00. SPECIAL: $719.95 for 10 packages.         itary struggle to overcome personal,
                                                          psychological, and other barriers. This
                  Career Priorities Profile               60-item assessment features six scales
                  (3rd Edition)               that cover transition management, veteran’s benefits,
                  #8172 Helps individuals identify   career transition skills, job search basics, resumes and
                                              cover letters, and interviewing and negotiating. Includes
                  and evaluate career priorities. Pro-  a worksheet for setting goals. 2012. Package of 25 for
                  vides a structured method for career   $75.00. SPECIAL: $719.95 for 10 packages.
                  exploration that leads individuals to
                  identify whether their chosen careers
                  are compatible with their personal      STEM Careers Inventory
    and work priorities. 2017. Package of 25 for $75.00.   #8089 STEM and green careers prom-
    SPECIAL: $719.95 for 10 packages.                     ise growth and opportunity. But how
                 Job Search Attitude                      do you know which STEM occupa-
                                                          tions are best for you? This easy-to-use
                 Inventory (5th Edition)                  assessment helps users discover their
                                                          personality type and then match it
                 #1194  This 32-item inventory helps      to STEM and green careers. Uses Hol-
                 job seekers better understand their at-  land’s RIASEC coding system and job titles from the U.S.
                 titudes about finding a job – the most   Dept. of Labor’s O*NET database. 2011. Package of 25
                 important part of finding employ-  for $75.00. SPECIAL: $719.95 for 10 packages.
                 ment. Individuals assess their attitudes
                 in five  categories: Luck vs. Planning,   Workplace Excellence
    Uninvolved vs. Involved, Help from others vs. Self-help,   Inventory
    Passive vs. Active, and Pessimistic vs. Optimistic. 2015.
    Package of 25 for $75.00. SPECIAL: $719.95 for         #8173 Helps individuals identify
    10 packages.                                           the basic skills needed to success-
                                                           fully transition to the workplace
                  Life Skills Inventory                    and demonstrate excellence in job
                  #2591  Helps individuals iden-           performance. Users respond to 48
                                                           statements that are grouped into
                  tify life skills they may need to   six essential skill areas: critical-thinking, work ethic, ca-
                  develop to become healthier   reer management, soft skills, leadership, and teamwork.
                  and more productive. It also   They then identify the competency areas in which they
                  provides numerous suggestions   are likely to face the most barriers to becoming an ex-
                  for improving these skills.  The   cellent employee. Users also develop a personalized suc-
                  assessment addresses: commu-  cess plan. 2019. Package of 25 for $75.00. SPECIAL:
    nication, stress management, anger management,   $719.95 for 10 packages.
    money management, time management, and ca-
    reer skills. 2016. Package of 25 for $75.00. SPE-      Work Motivation Scale
    CIAL: $719.95 for 10 packages.                         #6560  Helps  users  explore  their
                                                           needs and values – the key things
                 Job Survival and                          that motivate them to do their work
                                                           and find fulfillment through it. Test
                 Success Scale (2nd Edition)               takers rate 32 statements about
                                                           what motivates them. Statements
                 #4187 Measures the job survival and       are then  scored for  8 work values
                 success skills employers most seek from   and included in one of 4 motivation levels. Based on their
                 employees: dependability, responsibil-  results, test takers can focus their career exploration or
                 ity, human relations, ethical behavior,   re-evaluate their current career situation and make more
                 and getting ahead. Users rate them-  informed decisions. 2008. Package of 25 for $61.95.
                 selves on 60 statements. Includes sug-  SPECIAL: $589.50 for 10 packages.

                      Also Available at
         y  Assessing Barriers to Education – #6686     y  College Majors Scorecard – #6439
        ($75.00/$719.95)                       ($75.00/$719.95)
         y Career Assessment Tool Kit – #3741 ($432.95)    y  College Survival & Success Scale – #8169
         y  Career & Life Explorer – #4870 (($75.00/$719.95)  ($72.95/$699.50)
         y  Career Exploration Inventory EZ – #5815     y  Individual Career Portfolio – #4831
        ($75.00/$719.95)                       ($75.00/$719.95)
         y  Career Intake & Counseling Scale – #9258     y  Job Search Attitude Inventory – #1194
        ($75.00/$719.95)                       ($75.00/$719.95)
                                                 y  RIASEC Inventory – #6826 ($75.00/$719.95)
                                orders   800.361.1055    |    online ordering  7
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