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Admissions, Finance,
    COLLEGE SUCCESS: Survival & Employment

     Fiske Guide to Colleges 2024

     #10029 The top college guide to 320+ four-year schools, including quotes from real stu-
     dents and information you won’t find on college websites. The most authoritative source
     of information for college-bound students and their parents. Includes detailed and candid
     stories on each school plus much more. 864 pages. $29.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies for
     $275.95; 100 copies for $2,399.00.
                   The Ultimate Scholarship Book 2024:

                   Billions of Dollars in Scholarships, Grants and Prizes
                   #10031 Includes easily accessible information on 1.5 million scholarships, grants, and prizes
                   with more than 300 new listings that feature awards indexed by career goal, major, academics,
                   public service, talent, athletics, religion, ethnicity, and more. Each entry contains all the neces-
                   sary information to complete the application process, including eligibility requirements, spon-
                    sor website listings, award amounts, and key deadlines. 688 pages. $26.99. SPECIALS: 10
                    copies for $251.95; 100 copies for $2,159.00.

                         BOOKS & ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS

             #10030 BEST 389 COLLEGES, 2024. No one knows   #8169 COLLEGE SURVIVAL & SUCCESS SCALE
             colleges like the Princeton Review! This comprehen-  (Assessment). Measures a student’s ability to get
             sive guide to the nation’s best colleges provides in-  the most from postsecondary. Helps identify po-
             depth profiles on schools, best-of lists by interest, and   tential pitfalls and implement success  strategies.
             tons of helpful student-driven details that will help stu-  Covers five scales important for staying in and
     dents choose their best-fit colleges! 880 pages. $26.99. SPECIALS:   doing well in college: Commitment to education,
     10 copies for $251.95; 100 copies for $2,159.00.  self- and resource-management skills, interper-
            #9990  RESUME & LINKEDIN STRATEGIES FOR   sonal and social skills, academic success skills, and career planning
            NEW COLLEGE  GRADUATES:  What Works  to   skills. A 60-item assessment gauges the skills, habits, motivations,
                                             and attitudes needed to survive and succeed in college. Includes
            Launch a Gen-Z Career. Louise Kursmark and Jen Mel-  a downloadable instructor’s guide. A great college discussion tool.
            nik, Lays out in crisp, clear language exactly what college   One package of 25 instruments for $72.95. SPECIALS: 10 pack-
            students need to do to land their first professional job   ages (250) for $699.50; 100 packages (2,500) for $6,499.00.
     – from developing a powerful resume and LinkedIn profile to conduct-
     ing a networking-based job search and acing interviews. Explains the
     many different career communications jobseekers need to perfect:   #6686 ASSESSING BARRIERS TO EDUCATION.
     LinkedIn profiles, enote cover letters, networking communications,   Helps academic counselors, career counselors, and
     and thank-you notes. Reveals everything they need to know and do   job coaches identify key barriers preventing clients
     to conduct a highly effective job search. 224 pages. $19.95. SPECIAL:   from continuing their education. Encourages users
     10 copies for $179.95.                            to overcome barriers, honestly assess options, and
            #6439  COLLEGE MAJORS SCORECARD  (Assess-  understand the value of further education. It helps
            ment), Eighty percent of students enter college without   individuals (1) assess the situational, emotional, atti-
            a major; 50% of those declaring a major end up changing   tudinal, and material barriers preventing them from getting more ed-
            it at least once. This 147-item assessment helps students   ucation, (2) identify the postsecondary options most readily accessible
            pick a major based on their interests and future career op-  to them, from apprenticeships to graduate degrees, and (3) eliminate
     tions. Their scores are matched to 49 most common college majors.   myths about the process of furthering one's education, such as "I can't
     Easy to score and interpret. Includes a downloadable instructor’s guide.   afford to go to college." One package of 25 instruments for $75.00.
     © 2007. One package of 25 instruments for $75.00. SPECIALS: 10   SPECIALS:  10 packages (250) for  $719.50; 100 packages
     packages (250) for $719.50; 100 packages (2,500) for $5,799.00.  (2,500) for $5,799.00.

     Academic Success: Smart Tips for Serious Students  #9661 IN SEARCH OF A COLLEGE MAJOR & CA-
                                                      REER DIRECTION VIDEO Navigating the college
     #9679 Help students make the most of their college aca-  major and career planning process is often exciting
     demic experience with this six-part video series filled with   but confusing.  This program guides students and
     facts, hints, insights, and observations from experts in the  parents through the process and helps them identify options for
     field of education and from students who know the ropes.   maximizing their potential. Includes real-world case studies and tar-
     Includes Instructor’s Guide. 10-12 minutes each:  geted strategies. A fun, field-tested tool that challenges and empow-
                                             ers viewers. 52 minutes. DVD for $179.95; Streaming Video for
        y Active Listening and Note-Taking   $169.95. FREE SHIPPING, PREVIEW & INSTRUCTOR’S GUIDE.
        y  Critical Thinking and                       #9681  PAYING YOUR  WAY  THROUGH  COL-
       Problem-Solving                                 LEGE VIDEO Focuses on understanding four key
        y Researching, Reading, and Writing            financial aid sources: scholarships, grants, work-
        y Studying and Test-Taking                     study programs, and student loans. Offers tips on
        y Time Management                              earning extra cash and includes the “High School
        y Values and Goals                   Road Map to Financial Aid” – an incredibly helpful schedule that
     FORMAT/PURCHASE OPTIONS: Streaming Video for   spells out what to do and when to do it, starting with one’s junior
     $419.70; DVD for $439.70. Can purchase separately.   year. The key message? Don’t assume college is unaffordable! 29
                                             minutes. DVD for $109.95; Streaming Video for $99.95. FREE
    4                                orders   800.361.1055    |    online ordering
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