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From Prison to Home     DVD
      #6471 Traces the experiences of four black ex-inmates focusing on their challenges
      with employment, housing, addiction, and reconnecting with family – as well as their
      participation in the African American Program for parolees. Richard, a 36-year-old crack
      addict, has spent 12 years in and out of the system. Arthur, 45, has been arrested 13
      times. Calvin, 49, has served 18 months for drug possession and burglary. And 37-year-
      old Randy, emerging for the first time after a 16-year murder sentence, is intent on go-
      ing to college. Includes interviews with their parole officers. 71 minutes. 2007. DVD for
      $179.95; Streaming for $169.95. FREE SHIPPING & PREVIEW!

     From Parole to Payroll: A Process of Persistence     DVD
      #4120 Our most popular ex-offender series! The three DVDs, each running 25 minutes, con-
      tain solid, real-world content designed to help ex-offenders find satisfying work. Features
      informative interviews, helpful tips, and colorful graphics. English with English-language sub-
      titles. 2008. Can purchase separately. DVDs (3) for $319.95; Streaming for $309.95. FREE
       y Finding a Job    y Resumes and Job Applications   y The Job Interview

     In Your Hands: Life After Prison     DVD    In the Shadow of Faith     DVD
                  #8678  Documents two case stud-  #9630  Angola Penitentiary has its own radio station,
                  ies in which the end of incarceration   magazine, and evangelical ministry. It’s also a working
                  means not only a fresh start but also   farm. What forces are at work in the once-notorious in-
                  a new phase of hardship, hard luck,   stitution? Have residents embraced religion sincerely or
                  and hard-won dignity. Features both   are they just brainwashed? Examining daily prison life, this
     a female and male ex-offender trying to survive on the   program reveals an existence where inmates find mean-
     outside as they face issues of race, poverty, and substance   ing in work, worship, and little else. Includes insights into
     abuse. 59 minutes. 2011. DVD for $179.95; Streaming   prison realities and their spiritual remedies from lifers,
     for $169.95. FREE SHIPPING & PREVIEW!   guards, and warden Burl Cain, the charismatic instigator of
     Following Raul     DVD                  Angola’s transformation. 57 minutes. DVD for $179.95;
                                             Streaming for $169.95. FREE SHIPPING & PREVIEW!
     #9628  This  documentary  is  about  a  Hispanic  former
     gang member from Barstow, CA, who is released after   It’s More Expensive to Do Nothing:
     five years in Chino prison. The film follows his re-entry   Prison, Recidivism, and Remediation     DVD
     into society, and reveals the challenges he faces in his at-  #8897  The math is simple: it costs over
     tempts to start a new life. 23 minutes. DVD for $109.95;   $100,000 a year to incarcerate a nonviolent
     Streaming for $99.95. FREE SHIPPING & PREVIEW!     offender but only $5,000 to help them live
     Going Home: Teens Reentering Society –             productively on the outside. This award-win-
     From the Inside & On the Outside     DVD           ning program explores troubling realities
                                                        – the revolving door of jails and prisons, the
     #6468 Incarcerated teenagers face their own unique   complexities of reform, and the disregard
     re-entry challenges. This two-part award-winning (Telly   of effective re-entry programs. Features in-
     Awards) series addresses key re-entry issues for teens.   terviews with more than 25 experts in the fields of law, pol-
     Covers major sources of conflict. Addressing the day-to-  icy-making, criminal justice, addiction treatment, and child
     day challenges of newfound, uncertain freedom, these   development. Profiles nonviolent offenders who have turned
     programs illustrate how a support system can be built   their lives around after completing remediation and literacy
     with the help of family, peers, caseworkers, and even   programs. Identifies facilities with proven track records for
     correctional staff. Includes two 21 and 23 minute vid-  helping both juvenile and adult offenders find lawful, re-
     eos: From the Inside: Personal Challenges for Teens Re-  warding paths to the future. 49 minutes. DVD for $179.95;
     entering Society and On the Outside: Social Challenges   Streaming for $169.95. FREE SHIPPING & PREVIEW!
     for Teens Reentering Society.  DVDs (2) for $209.95;
     Streaming for $199.95. FREE SHIPPING & PREVIEW!  Missouri’s Different Approach to
     Parole: Getting Out and Staying Out     DVD       Juvenile Justice     DVD
                 #5864 Prison life is hard but so, too,   #9629 Trading orange jumpsuits and cell blocks for
                 is life on the outside. This program   therapists and dorm rooms has created surprising results
                 follows paroled prisoners as they   in  Missouri’s  juvenile  detention  system. This edition  of
                 re-enter civilian life and face challeng-  Primetime spends a year with the hard-core offenders
                 es both large and small. The program   at Waverly Regional Youth Center and Rosa Parks Cen-
     provides an eye-opening look at the typical parolee's   ter to see how nurturing combined with discipline can
     struggle to find work, stay away from drugs and former   transform inmates into potentially productive members
     friends, and maintain a positive attitude about the future.   of society – and for half the average cost of juvenile incar-
     16 minutes. DVD for $79.95; Streaming for $69.95.   ceration. 41 minutes. DVD for $179.95; Streaming for
     FREE SHIPPING & PREVIEW!                $169.95. FREE SHIPPING & PREVIEW!

                       Returning Citizens     DVD
                       #9631 This video focuses on a group of individuals released from prison who are looking
                       for a second chance. From freshly returning individuals struggling to rebuild their lives to
                       community leaders working to end the ongoing cycle of crime and violence, the stories
                       unveiled in Returning Citizens offer proof that change is possible when the right opportu-
                       nities are presented. 59 minutes. DVD for $179.95; Streaming for $169.95. FREE SHIP-
                       PING & PREVIEW!                                                  .

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