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Pulling Punches: A Curriculum for Rage Management      DVD
     #3039 Designed for recovering addicts and alcoholics with volatile anger, rage, and relapse issues,
     this highly acclaimed three-part DVD series addresses the whole anger process:
         y Understanding Your Rage                         Tools for Managing Rage
         y Anger Reduction and Long-Term Changes
     Shows how to better manage anger as well as make long-term behavioral changes. Includes crucial
     skills for avoiding relapse. Each DVD runs 35 minutes and includes a Counselor’s Guide with reproducible
     worksheets. Ethnically diverse, includes real people, and is narrated by a recovering person. Complete
     program for $529.00. SPECIALS: 5 programs for $2,435.00; 10 programs for $4,695.00. FREE SHIPPING!

       Angry Men: Managing Anger                   BESTSELLER!
       in an Unforgiving World (2nd Edition)
       #2684 Written as both a self-directed and instructional book, this book shows men how
       anger affects them and how they can take charge and gain control of their anger. Men
       will see themselves in true stories from law enforcement officers, military men, and oth-
       ers who lost it because their anger took over. Includes easy-to-use practical anger man-
       agement skills. 144 pages. ISBN 978-157023-397-5. $17.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for
       $161.60; 100 copies for $1,077.00.
       Angry Women: Stop Letting Anger Control Your Life!
       #2685 Women let anger hurt their self-image, narrow their choices, limit their careers, and
       destroy their families. They let anger lead them into depression, eating disorders, and de-
       structive relationships. This book shows women how to take better control of their lives.
       Designed to be both self-directed and instructional, it includes easy to use practical, down-
       to-earth skills to reclaim control of their lives. 142 pages. ISBN 978-1570232060. $14.95.
       SPECIALS: 10 copies for $119.95; 100 copies for $747.50.

                   #8697  ANGER  MANAGEMENT  FOR    #2998   BEYOND ANGER:  A Guide for Men (2nd
                   DUMMIES (3rd Edition). W. Doyle Gen-  Edition). Thomas J. Harbin. Men are more violent and
                   try, Ph.D.  Outlines specific  anger  man-  less willing to deal with emotions than women. Using
                   agement methods, skills, and exercises   simple exercises, this book shows angry men how to
                   that help identify the sources of anger.   control violent feelings as well as develop new habits
                   Includes how to defuse your anger before  to  prevent  anger.  240  pages.  $19.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies for
                    it strikes; express feelings calmly; respond  $189.00; 100 copies for $1,795.00.
                    rather than react; release healthy anger in
                    a healthy way; use anger constructively;   #8701 ANGER: Taming A Powerful Emotion. Gary
                    and get beyond old anger through for-  Chapman. How can we handle our anger – and help
                    giveness. Covers road rage, air rage, office   those we love with theirs? How can we teach our chil-
     rage, and dealing with angry children. 368 pages  $24.99.  SPE-  dren to deal with their anger? Relationship expert Dr.
     CIALS: 10 copies for $229.00; 100 copies for $2,099.00.  Gary Chapman offers helpful insights on why we get
                                             angry, what we can do about it, and how we can use anger for
            #10025  CALMING  YOUR ANGRY MIND.  Jeffrey   good. Includes a 13-session discussion guide. 240 pages. $16.99.
            Brantley, MD.  Offers a breakthrough approach using   SPECIAL: 10 copies for $152.95.
            mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and com-              FINDING  YOUR BEST SELF:  Recovery
            passion practices to help individuals better handle   From Addiction, Trauma, or Both. Lisa M. Najavits,
            their anger, fear, and hostile emotions that can wreak      Ph.D. Addiction and trauma are two of the most com-
            havoc at home, work, and in relationships. 248 pages.   mon  and  difficult  issues  that  people  face.  A  leading
     $17.95. SPECIAL: 10 copies for $163.95.        expert explains the link between addiction and trauma
            #10026  THE BODY KEEPS  THE SCORE:  Brain,   and presents science-based self-help strategies that you
            Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. Bes-  can use no matter where you are in your recovery. Every chapter
            sel Van Der Kolk, MD. Uses recent scientific advances   features inspiring words from people who have “been there,” plus
            to show how trauma literally reshapes both body and   carefully designed reflection questions, exercises, and other practical
            brain, compromising sufferers’ capacities for pleasure,   tools. 269 pages. $16.95. SPECIAL: 10 copies for $152.95.
            engagement, self-control, and trust. Explores innova-  #8906 THE ANGER WORKBOOK. Les Carter, Ph.D.,
     tive treatments – from neurofeedback and meditation to sports,   and  Frank  Minirth,  M.D.  Offers a  13-step interactive
     drama, and yoga – that offer new paths to recovery by activating   program that will: (1) help you identify the best ways
     the brain’s natural neuroplasticity. 464 pages. $19.00. SPECIAL:   to handle anger; (2) understand how pride, fear, lone-
     10 copies for $179.95.                          liness, and inferiority  feed  your anger; (3) eliminate
                                                     the myths that perpetuate anger; (4) identify learned
      Anger Management Pocket Guide          patterns of relating, thinking, and behaving in your life that influ-
      Ronald L. Krannich, Ph.D.              ence your anger. 256 pages. $16.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies for
                                             $153.95; 100 copies for $1,359.95.
      #9100  This inexpensive and
      powerful little guide has it all.              #10018  THE DANCE OF ANGER:  A Woman’s
      Offers invaluable tips on con-                 Guide To Changing The Patterns Of Intimate
      trolling anger. Filled with self-              Relationships. Harriet Lerner, Ph.D. This renowned
                                                     classic has transformed the lives of millions of wom-
      tests, examples, and activities.               en who tend to silence their anger, deny it entirely,
      64 pages.  $2.95.  SPECIALS:                   or vent it in ways that leave them feeling helpless
      25 copies for $62.85; 100              and powerless. This engaging book teaches both women and
      copies for $207.00; 1,000              men  to  identify  their  true  sources  of  anger  and  to  use  them
      copies for $1,770.00.                  as  powerful vehicles  for  creating  lasting  change. 256  pages.
                                             $17.99. SPECIAL: 10 copies for $165.95.
                                orders   800.361.1055    |    online ordering  23
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