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The Addiction and Recovery Kit:
     What You Need to Know
     #6345 Addictions – whether drugs, alcohol, gambling,
     chocolate, sex, or the internet – can kill your chances of
     getting ahead in your personal and professional lives. This
     kit pulls together some of the best resources for dealing
     with addictions and achieving recovery. Can purchase sep-    y Breaking Addiction ($16.99)
     arately. SPECIAL: $109.95 for all 7 books; 5 kits (35) for     y  Life Without a Crutch ($7.95)
     $504.00; 10 kits (70) for $999.00.           y  Mindful Recovery ($17.95)
        y Addiction and Grace ($15.99)            y The Recovery Book  ($17.95)
        y Addiction Recovery Skills Workbook ($25.95)     y Understanding the 12 Steps ($17.99)

            Terence T. Gorski. Millions of people have transformed   WORKBOOK.   Suzette Glasner-Edwards,
            their lives by working the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics   Ph.D.. Is addiction controlling your life? Here’s
            Anonymous. This practical, no-nonsense guide takes   the first book to combine research-proven
            the mystery out of the  Twelve Steps, presenting a   motivational techniques, CBT, and mindful-
     straightforward explanation of what each step means, as well as   ness-based strategies to help create one’s
     examples of how it translates to real life. 208 pages. $17.99. SPE-  own unique recovery plan. Can be used on
     CIALS: 10 copies for $169.95; 100 copies for $1,545.00.  its own or as an adjunct to rehab or thera-
                                                         py. A key resource for beating addiction and
           #7000 THE ALCOHOLISM & ADDICTION CURE.   getting back to living a full, meaningful life! 224 pages. $25.95.
           Chris  Prentiss.  Shows  how  to  heal  the  underlying   SPECIAL: 10 copies for $234.95.
           causes  of  addiction,  prevent  relapse,  and  end  suf-
           fering through a three-step holistic program to total   Get Out of Your Own Way:
           recovery. 234 pages. $15.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies
           for $159.95; 100 copies for $1,445.00.  Overcoming Self-Defeating
            #8831 BREAKING ADDICTION.  Lance M. Dodes.   Behavior
            Outlines 7 critical steps for overcoming addiction  Dr. Mark Goulston and Philip Goldberg
            based on the author’s key finding: virtually every ad- #3836 Self-sabotage is a toxic behav-
            dictive act is preceded by feelings of helplessness, the   ior that prevents us from achieving
            trigger for setting addiction in motion. Dodes’s ideas   love, success, and happiness. Shows how to transform
            have been adopted by therapists and treatment cen-  behavior  from  self-defeating to life-enhancing.  208
     ters around the world and are taught by universities and training   pages. $18.00. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $169.95;
     centers for clinicians. 240 pages. $16.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies
     for $149.95; 100 copies for $1,345.00.  100 copies for $1,499.95.

    Independent Living & Managing Money

                       21st Century Money Management DVD Series      DVD
                       #5869 This popular DVD series is packed with information about todaty’s banking. Covers
                       everything from opening accounts to managing money successfully. Covers online bank-
                       ing functions and resources. 2005. Can purchase separately at $99.00 each. SPECIAL:
                       Complete series of five DVDs for $399.00. FREE SHIPPING!
                             y Checking Accounts   • Savings      • Credit Cards
                             y Loans           • Financial Planning
                 Living in the Real World Activity Units
                 #7947 These financial literacy activity units are all presented on one CD. Each unit is packed
                 with activities that teach your students to live in the real world as they use the following skills:
                 math, reading, writing, reasoning, creative, and cooperative learning. The CD contains down-
                 loadable, reproducible PDF files. 2013. Each unit can be purchased separately (on one CD) for
                 $35.00. SPECIAL: $275.00 for one CD containing all 11 units. The 11 activity units include:
         y  Bills, Budgets, and    • My Money    • Buying the Basics  • My Insurance
        Bank Accounts     • My Credit       • My Paycheck     • Shopping Smart
         y My Budget      • My Wheels       • My Place        • Trivia Time
                                             Buying the Basics     DVD
     Are You Ready to Live on Your Own?     DVD
           #7601 “Anthony” gets advice from a pilot, his fa-  #5868 This DVD series prepares individuals for getting start-
                                             ed on their own in the real world, from buying, leasing, in-
           ther, and friends about living on his own. Viewers   suring, and maintaining a car, shopping for food and clothes
           get an overview of what they need to consider   to renting and furnishing an apartment. The series includes:
           when preparing to move out on their own. Includes
           teaching materials. 20 minutes. $109.95 for DVD;     y Buying the Basic: Cars   •  Buying the Basic: Apartments
     $99.95 for Streaming Video. FREE SHIPPING!     y Buying the Basic: Food and Clothing
         y Budgeting      •  Time management  Each DVD comes with over 30 pages of reproducible
         y Realistic expectations   •   Creating a support   classroom activities included in PDF format on a separate
                            network          CD. Can purchase each separately for $99.00. SPECIAL:
                                             $239.00 for the complete series. FREE SHIPPING!

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