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Managing Teen Anger and Violence: A Pathway to Peace Program
      William Fleeman
      #6271 Filled with personal stories and vignettes, the book helps teens identify anger as a
      problem, recognize how they use anger like a drug, find non-violent ways to experience
      personal power, learn to change abusive and violent behavior, focus on values and goals
      that support a non-violent lifestyle, identify and change attitudes and beliefs that keep
      them stuck, avoid relapse into violent behavior, and develop a a mission statement for a
      non-violent lifestyle. 230 pages. ISBN: 978-1-57023-276-3. $19.95. SPECIALS: 10 cop-
      ies for $159.95; 100 copies for $997.50; 1,000 copies for $7,980.00.
      Anger Management for Everyone:
      Ten Proven Strategies to Help You Control Anger and Live a Happier Life
      Raymond Chip Tafrate, Ph.D, and Howard Kassinove, PhD, ABPP
      #9257  Presents a comprehensive anger management program for anyone interested in con-
      trolling their anger. Is your anger making others uncomfortable and creating distance in your
      relationships? Is it disrupting your ability to think clearly and make good decisions? Is it resulting
      in behaviors that you later regret or recall with embarrassment? Shows how to cope with life’s
      adversity, unfairness, and disappointment, so you can successfully put anger in its proper place and live a vital,
      happy, and upbeat life. 256 pages. $24.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $233.95; 100 copies for $1,939.95.

    C.A.G.E. the Rage      DVD
    #383 Calm down, Assess the situation, Gauge alternatives, and Empower yourself –
    that’s the way to safely C.A.G.E. the rage! Viewers see how to identify anger in them-
    selves; understand why mismanaged anger is so destructive; discover how anger gets
    repressed; and release anger and express emotions in a positive way using the C.A.G.E.
    method. Includes scenarios of unhealthy and healthy behaviors and candid interviews.
    23 minutes. $99.95 for DVD and Streaming. FREE SHIPPING!
    Handling Anger and Frustration      DVD
    #8181 Examines extreme anger. Presents methods for loosening the grip that all-consum-
    ing rage can have on one’s mind and actions. Viewers learn basic psychological concepts to
    confront and remove obstacles, a primal instinct that all too easily translates into “lashing out.”
    Highlights steps for dealing rationally with anger sources, focusing on staying “centered” rather
    than “getting even.” 30 minutes. $109.95 for DVD; $99.95 for Streaming. FREE SHIPPING!

    Hands Down: A Domestic Violence Treatment Program
    Sue Binder, LPC, LAC
    #5682 Focuses on victim safety and offender accountability. Helps men understand why they
    act violently. Eliminates violence from their lives by focusing on Definitions of Domestic Vio-
    lence, Domestic Violence Issues, Thinking Skills, Communication, Relationship Skills, and Man-
    aging Anger and Stress. Program includes a 198-page workbook (Hands Down: A Domestic
    Violence Treatment Workbook – $22.00) and a 114-page instructor’s guide (Hands Down:
    An Instructor’s Manual for Domestic Violence Treatment – $55.00). $75.95. SPECIALS: 10
    copies of the workbook for $210.00; 100 copies of the workbook for $1,850.00.
     #9808 ANGER: Myths and Truths About the Emotion Explores   #6197  RAGE:  A Social Analysis.  Ob-
     the psychology and sociology behind the most dangerous of emo-  scenities, screaming matches, fistfights,
     tions. Dr. Robert Millman, a Weill Cornell Medical College professor   shootings – these have become almost
     who has coined the term “acquired situational narcissism” to explain   standard forms of public expression. Why?
     connections between volatile tempers and towering egos. Provides   Explores the emotional causes and social
     connections between narcissism, aggression, and       dangers of  short  fuses,  linking  the  pres-
     America’s youth, while comedian, Lewis Black points   sures  of  a  hard-driving,  high-tech  world
     out the seeds of fury in everyday realities.  Viewing   to the prevalence of outbursts of anger and rage. Viewing time:
     time: 30 minutes. Closed-captioned.  $109.95 for   48 minutes. Closed-captioned.  $179.95 for DVD;  $169.95 for
     DVD; $99.95 for Streaming. FREE SHIPPING!  Streaming. FREE SHIPPING!

     Manhood and Violence: Fatal Peril      DVD    Changing Men: Unlearning
     #4044 Examines re-entry and the issue of male violence   the Behaviors of Domestic Violence     DVD
     as it relates to the male role belief system. Focuses on nine   #6895 Andrew, Adam, and Alex are members of a com-
     men who have either re-offended or violated the terms and   munity-based behavior change group in Australia called
     conditions of their probation/parole. The men have all been   Heavy M.E.T.A.L.: Men’s Education Toward Anger and Life.
     court-mandated to participate in an intensive four-month   This program tracks the progress of these men - three hus-
                      violence  prevention  project  bands and fathers with dangerous antisocial behavioral is-
                      where the re-arrest rate for vio-  sues - as they struggle to stop committing emotional and
                      lent offenses by the program’s   physical violence against those who love them the most.
                      participants dropped by 80 per-  How did they become the way they are? And will their
                      cent! 58 minutes.  $159.95  for   committed participation in group therapy sessions enable
                      DVD; $149.95 for Streaming.   them to salvage their marriages? 47 minutes. $179.95 for
                      FREE SHIPPING!         DVD; $169.95 for Streaming. FREE SHIPPING!

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