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Resumes, Letters, and                   Job Interviews and Offers DVD Kit
     Applications DVD Kit                    #4438 Effective job interviewing is all about preparation,
     #4257 Crafting powerful resumes, letters,   preparation, and preparation. These 9 DVDs identify the
     and  applications  requires  expert  knowl-  most important strategies for winning the job interview.
     edge and skills about today’s job market.   Includes many examples of effective job interview an-
     These 7 DVDs offer inside strategies and   swers. Can purchase separately. SPECIAL: $1,459.00 for
     tips for developing the most effective   all 9 DVDs. FREE SHIPPING!
     resumes, letters, and applications pos-     y 135 Interview Answers ($179.95)
     sible for today’s job market. Can pur-      y 207 Interview Techniques ($179.95)
     chase separately.  SPECIAL:  $749.00        y Answering Interview Questions ($139.95)
     for all 6 DVDs. FREE SHIPPING!              y Common Mistakes People Make in Interviews ($99.95)
        y 175 Resume Secrets ($179.95)           y  Getting Good Answers to Tough Interview
        y Career Portfolio ($139.95)            Questions ($195.00)
        y Job Application Process ($139.95)      y Good First Impressions ($195.00)
        y  Landing the Job: Resumes and          y Step-by-Step Interview Success DVD ($195.00)
       Cover Letters ($118.00)                   y What Will I Say at the Interview? ($139.95)
        y  Resumes, Cover Letters, and Portfolios ($118.00)    y  Winning Answers to Common Interview
        y Resumes: A How-to Guide ($109.95)     Questions ($195.00)
     Assessment and Goal Setting DVD Kit
     #6613 Assessing skills and specifying goals are basic
     building blocks for conducting an effective job searches.
     These 5 DVDs assist viewers in setting realistic goals related
     to their interests, skills, and abilities. Can purchase separate-
     ly. SPECIAL: $723.95 for all 5 DVDs. FREE SHIPPING!
        y Career Assessment: Finding a Career That Fits ($118.00)
        y Career Pathways Planning ($139.95)
        y Finding Your Purpose ($179.95)
        y Goal Away: Setting and Achieving Goals ($118.00)  Communication and
        y  Overcoming Barriers to Employment Success ($220.00)  Workplace Skills DVD Kit
     Attitude, Motivation, and                #6604 Being an effective on-the-job commu-
     Self-Esteem DVD Kit                      nicator is key to positive job performance and
     #6603  Developing  positive  attitudes,  moti-  career advancement. This collection of 9
     vations, and self-esteem are key to sustain-  DVDs covers everything from interperson-
     ing an effective job search and remaining   al communication and presentation skills
     visible and productive on the job. These 5   to digital communication, and handling
     DVDs help individuals remain positive de-  day-to-day  on-the-job  stress.  Can  pur-
     spite occasional rejections and disappoint-  chase separately.  SPECIAL:  $1,189.95
     ments and excel in achieving goals. Can   for all 9 DVDs. FREE SHIPPING!
     purchase separately.  SPECIAL: $638.95      y 15 Ways to Handle Today’s Stress ($139.95)
     for all 5 DVDs. FREE SHIPPING!              y Assertive Communication Skills ($109.95)
                                                 y  Barriers to Communication and How to
        y  Assertive Communication Skills ($109.95)  Overcome Them ($139.95)
        y Boost Your Confidence ($179.95)        y  Digital Communication Skills: Do’s and Don’ts ($139.95)
        y  Building Self-Esteem: You’ve Got the Power ($118.00)    y Effective Communication in Business ($139.95)
        y  Changing Your Attitude, Change Your Life! ($139.95)    y High Impact Communication ($109.95)
        y  Goal Setting: Define and Achieve Your      y How to Become a Better Communicator ($159.00)
       Dream Life ($118.00)
                                                 y Powerful Presentation Skills ($109.95)
                                                 y Soft Skills in the Workplace ($195.00)
     Dress and Image DVD Kit
     #6606 The image you project – through    Workplace Success DVD Kit
     dress, grooming, manners, body language,
     and words – says a lot about your compe-  #6605 Success in the workplaces is determined by
     tence in the eyes of those you interact with   more than just doing a good job according to the ex-
     both on and off the job. This collection of   pectations of your bosses. Above all, it requires being a
     7 revealing DVDs covers the most important   savvy employee who understands both the written and
     nonverbal and verbal aspects of projecting a   unwritten rules of getting ahead. These 8 DVD examine
     professional image. Can purchase separately.   everything from health and ethics to dealing with dif-
     SPECIAL: $829.95 for all 7 DVDs. FREE SHIPPING!  ficult people and managing your social media environ-
                                              ment. Can purchase separately. SPECIAL: $839.95 for
        y Dress and Groom for Career Success ($195.00)  all 7 DVDs. FREE SHIPPING!
        y First Impressions: Etiquette and Work Habits ($109.95)
        y  Head to Toe: Grooming and Dressing for the      y 10 Healthy Work Habits ($139.95)
       Best Possible You! ($118.00)              y Ethics at Work ($118.00)
        y Manners Boot Camp: Professional Courtesy ($89.95)    y  First Impressions: Winning Over Your
        y  Mind Your Manners: Practical Etiquette for    Boss and Coworkers ($139.95)
       Everyday ($118.00)                        y  First Things First: Working Effectively
        y  When Presentation Counts: Grooming, Dressing,    in an Office ($139.95)
       and Body Language ($118.00)               y Dealing With Difficult People ($109.95)
        y  Words, Camera, Action: How Body Language,      y My First Job ($139.95)
       Tone, and Words Affect Communication ($118.00)    y Who Would You Fire? ($109.00)

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