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     LinkedIn for Networking and Job Search:
     Basic and Advanced Techniques     DVD
     #8889 Explains how to create an effective LinkedIn profile and use the site to connect with employers. Supple-
     mented by tips from hiring managers and social media experts, the video also covers “building a brand,” gaining
     introductions and developing a network, adding endorsements to a profile, finding unadvertised jobs, and more.
     Recommended as an important update to any career-search curriculum that wants to show why resumes alone
     are no longer enough. 26 minutes. DVD for $109.95; Streaming for $99.95.
                     E-networking for Jobs      DVD
                     #8417 Paper communication, face-to-face contacts, and telephone calls are increasingly “old
                     school” as they are increasingly replaced by electronic communication. How has this change
                     shaped networking and career building? This program explores e-networking and precau-
                     tions arising when making online connections, forming digital relationships, acquiring knowl-
                     edge, and demonstrating skills. 23 minutes. DVD for $139.95; Streaming for $129.95.

     135 Interview Answers     DVD
     #8924 “Aren’t you overqualified for this position?” “Why is there a gap in your work history?” “What
     would you take on a trip to Mars?” In this instructive and often humorous program, top recruiter
     Stephen Convoy (Microsoft, Nokia, Disney, Coca-Cola) instructs job-seekers on what to say and what never to say in response
     to specific interview questions. Divided into sections that reflect key areas of recruiters’ interest – personality, competency, be-
     havior, self-motivation, and aspiration – the video presents an array of both good and bad replies. Viewers learn how to handle
     questions that are common but difficult (“What do you want to get out of this meeting?”), and gain insight into what employers
     really want to know when they say “Tell me about yourself.” 79 minutes. DVD for $179.95; Streaming for $169.95.

      207 Interview Techniques     DVD        Good First Impressions: Proven Tips and
      #8921 This fast-paced program gives tips gleaned from   Techniques for Successful Job Interview     DVD
      thousands of employers who were asked the same two   #3242  Reveals how to improve appearance, confi-
      questions about candidates: “What impressed you most?”   dence, maturity, emotional stability, and enthusiasm
      and  “What mistakes did they make?” Host Stephen Con-  before an interview. Covers interview taboos (arriving
      way reports that job seekers who followed the advice   late, cell phones, tattoos) as well as dis-
      presented here won more offers than did applicants who   cusses group interviews, bad interviewers,
      thought they didn’t need coaching. The video also cov-  and phone interviews. Includes interview
      ers topics such as what to wear and when to arrive, along   scenarios as well as insights of job search
      with the fundamentals of crafting a resume. 67 minutes.   experts and employers. 25 minutes. DVD
      DVD for $179.95; Streaming for $169.95.  for $195.00.
               Common Job Interview Mistakes: What NOT to Say or Do     DVD
               #8427 Shows how to avoid mistakes with concrete advice from experts, eye-catching graphics that re-
               inforce core concepts, and clear-cut dramatizations that illustrate interview dos and don’ts. For example,
               young people may not realize they should turn off their cell phones before an interview or refrain from ask-
               ing too early about the position’s salary. Gives tips on ensuring punctuality to strategies for giving the most
     positive, team-oriented impression possible. 25 minutes. DVD for $179.95; Streaming for $169.95.
              Dialing for Jobs:                       #6069  STEP-BY-STEP INTERVIEW SUCCESS
            Using the Phone in the Job Search     DVD    DVD Filled with expert advice and real-life sce-
                                                      narios, this new DVD helps job seekers tackle the
            #3229 Presents simple, practical techniques   interview process from start to finish. Shows how
            for getting two or more interviews per day by   every step of the interview process is an oppor-
            using the telephone. Shows how to cut one’s   tunity to showcase one’s skills and personality.
            job search time in half by making warm and   Viewers learn valuable strategies. Includes instructor’s guide. 30
      cold calls. 40 minutes. DVD for $139.00  minutes. DVD for $195.00. SPECIAL: 5 copies for $935.00.
             #6484  STARTING FRESH:  Interviewing With  a   #6710 WINNING ANSWERS TO COMMON IN-
             Troubled Background. Job interviews can be frus-  TERVIEW QUESTIONS DVD This video provides
             trating experiences, especially for anyone with red   detailed, practical strategies for tackling many of the
             flags in their backgrounds. Indeed, disclosing past   most common and difficult questions job seekers are
             transgressions can quickly knock you out of the com-  likely to face, from “Tell me about a time when” sce-
             petition.  Although interviewing is  a challenge for   narios to questions about soft skills, personal goals,
     people with a troubled past, it’s also the best opportunity to impress   and gaps in work history. Reveals powerful sample answers – both
     potential employer and land the job. Offers sound advice and tips   positive and negative – to each question. Includes instructor’s guide.
     on what makes a successful interview from the people who conduct   30 minutes. DVD for $195.00. SPECIAL: 5 copies for $935.00.
     them – employers and staffing managers. 19 minutes. DVD for $118.
     What Will I Say At the Interview?      DVD
     #9715 Offers tips and strategies to boost one’s confidence for improving the chances of being hired. Stresses the
     importance of being fully prepared – having a list of questions ready to ask the interviewer; practicing answers for
     both factual and behavioral questions; knowing how to turn negatives into positives; and honing listening skills. 30
     minutes. DVD for $139.95; Streaming for $129.95.
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