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Best DVDs & Streaming Videos

      Use our highly acclaimed cloud-based delivery system to view videos from top   Demand!
      producers anytime, anywhere, and on most video-enabled devices (comput-
      ers, laptops, tablets, smart phones). Look for these two format symbols:

                          – DVD disk             – Streaming Video (3-year lease)
      Unlimited use of Streaming Video is for a 3-year lease period. When ordering Streaming Video,
      please provide sufficient contact information (name, phone number, email) to ensure proper
      delivery. FREE SHIPPING, PREVIEWS & INSTRUCTOR'S GUIDES for most videos.


      Career Evaluation     DVD                Career Pathways Planning     DVD
                          #350 Shows viewers how   #7864  This  insightful
                          to relate interests,  skills,   program helps viewers
                          education, training, val-  develop a career path-
                          ues, and lifestyle to spe-  way plan that identifies
                          cific occupations in the   three areas of interest
                          world of work. Based on   and the ways each of
                          the commonsense notion   them can be achieved.
                          that you do best at what   Job seekers of any age discover helpful methods for
      you really like to do, this video explains how to find an oc-  career pathway planning. Stresses the importance
      cupation with job requirements that closely match viewers’   of having the support of a professional career ad-
      interests. 11 minutes. Includes  FREE INSTRUCTOR’S   viser as well as the need to update and renew path-
      GUIDE. $99.95 for DVD; $89.95 for Streaming.  way plans at regular intervals. 25 minutes. Includes
                                               FREE INSTRUCTOR’S GUIDE. $139.95 for DVD;
     Goal Setting:                             $129.95 for Streaming.
     Define and Achieve Your Dream Job.    DVD  Career Assessment:
     Shannon Miller                           Finding a Career That Fits
     #6878 One of America’s most decorated gymnasts, out-  #4499 How do you determine what   DVD
     lines a 6-step process for identifying and setting goals.   you want to be, the type of job or career
                 She also helps viewers identify and   you want? This program helps viewers
                 eliminate obstacles to achieving their   assess their aptitudes and interests, work
                 dreams. Follows two young people,   style, skills, talents, abilities, likes and dis-
                 Andy and Stephanie, as they take Shan-  likes,  to  determine  which  career  fields
                 non's advice and work through each   are best for them. Includes the Holland Codes as well
                 step. Includes Instructor's Guide. 20   as other self-directed assessment materials. 18 minutes.
                 minutes. $118.00 for DVD.    $118.00 for DVD.


                 Keys to Getting Hired       Keys to Getting Hired
                 Video Series                for Job Seekers Over 50
                 #5517 This complete job search series   Video Series
                 has it all – best networking strategies,  #5516 Job seekers over 50 face several
                 tips for effective resumes and letters,  job-finding obstacles – perceived energy,
                 and strategies for acing the job inter-  motivation, and adaptability issues; ob-
                 view. Features career coaches and job  jections to hiring an older subordinate;
                 seekers who identify the most effec-  and possible increases in health insurance
                 tive ways to uncover job leads and  premiums. This 3-program video series
     connect with employers. Explains why employers make  helps over-50 job seekers deal with age-related employment
     their hiring decisions. Three programs on a single DVD:  issues. Includes three separate programs on a single DVD:
        y Job Search Steps That Get Results      y Job Search Steps That Get Results for Job Seekers Over 50
        y Resumes and Cover Letters That Work    y Resumes and Cover Letters That Work for Job Seekers Over 50
        y Ace the Interview and Get the Job      y Ace the Interview and Get the Job for Job Seekers Over 50
     15-20 minutes each.  Includes  FREE INSTRUCTOR’S  15-20 minutes each.  Includes FREE INSTRUCTOR’S
     GUIDE. $357.50 for all 3 programs. Can purchase  GUIDE. SPECIAL:  $357.50  for  all  3  programs.  Can
     separately for $145.00 per DVD.         purchase separately for $145.00 per DVD.
     A ll videos c ome with  FREE SHIPPING .   M an y also include  PRE VIE W S & INSTR UC T OR ’ S GUIDES .
     All videos come with FREE SHIPPING. Many also include PREVIEWS & INSTRUCTOR’S GUIDES.
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