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Get Hired and Go: The Complete Guide to Getting a Job and Doing It Right     DVD
     #8416 This six-part series helps lay out a clear path to fulfilling employment, beginning with the self-assessment. Each
     episode presents expert advice from career counselors and earnest testimonials from young people who have experi-
     enced job-hunting challenges firsthand. 6-part series. 26-30 minutes each. $109.95 each. SPECIAL: DVD Series (6)
     for $629.00; Streaming Series for $599.00.
         y  Before You Apply: Job and Skills Evalu-    y  Getting The Job: Job Search and
        ation                          Networking
         y  Before You Apply: Resumes, Portfolios,      y  Doing The Job: Starting Out and

        and Your Online Persona        the Daily Grind
         y  Getting The Job: Cover Letters, Interviews,      y Doing The Job: Basic Job Skills
        and Job Offers
      Getting the Job You Really Want (6th Edition)     DVD
      #3917 Shows viewers how to identify what they want in a job, find the job, interview,nego-
      tiate pay, keep the job, and advance. Also includes interviews with leading career experts,
      such as Laurence Shatkin, John Liptak, and Wendy Enelow. 21 minutes each. Can purchase
      separately. $195.00 each. SPECIAL: $1,775.00 for all 10 DVD programs.
          y Introduction: Getting the Life You Really Want    y Getting to Know Your Job Objective
          y Getting to Know What an Employer Wants    y  Getting a Positive Response in Each of the
          y Getting to Know Your Skills     Seven Interview Phases
          y  Getting and Using Your Resume, Cover Letter,      y Getting Organized to Find a Job
        JIST Card, and Portfolio             y Getting Good Answers to Tough Interview Questions
          y  Getting a Job with Traditional and      y Getting and Keeping the Job You Find
        Nontraditional Methods
                  Overcoming Barriers to      Complete Job Search System     DVD
                  Employment Success    DVD  #468 This comprehensive and entertaining five-part series is
                  #9781 Many job seekers and employ- loaded with solid content, informative interviews, helpful tips,
                  ees lack goals, resumes, and interview  and colorful graphics (see website for details on each video).
                  skills and are short on workplace skills  Each program runs 10-14 minutes: The Right Job for Your Person-
     and experience. This program shows how to overcome im- ality. Career Evaluation, Finding a Job, Interviewing for a Job, and
     portant barriers to both finding and keeping a job – per- Succeeding on the Job. Can purchase separately. DVDs (5)
     sonal, financial, re-entry, emotional, physical, decision-mak- for $499.00; Streaming for $444.75.
     ing, planning, job search, education, and training. Includes
     a free Instructor’s Guide with questions, assignments, a  Job Search: Busting the Myths     DVD
     quiz, five self-contained video presentations, and related  #8425 In today’s tight job mar-
     resources. 61 minutes. DVD for $220.00.   ket, anyone who really wants to
     How Will This Help Me Get a Job?        be hired should send out hun-
                                             dreds of resumes, then leap at
     Making Every Skill Count      DVD       the first offer of employment
     #9673 Emphasizes skills acquired at school and in person- – or maybe not.  This practi-
     al lives may help land one’s first job. Planning outings with  cal and informative program addresses seven common
     friends, raising money for charity, and playing video games  myths associated with landing a job. Viewers learn the
     helps develop proficiency in communication, problem solv- most effective method of sending a resume, ways to find
     ing, and using current technology – all valuable abilities with  out about open but unadvertised positions, how to get
     which to enhance a resume. Includes worksheets. 22 minutes.  hired with little or no experience, when to accept an offer,
     DVD for $139.95; Streaming for $129.95.    when to move on from a current job, and more. 15 min-
                                             utes. 2011. DVD for $109.95; Streaming for $99.95..
     What Your Boss Wants:                    What Your Boss Wants:
     Your Probationary Period      DVD        The Induction Process     DVD
     #9622 How do employers assess a new employee at the end   #9623 Recruiters in business, hospitality, health, and manu-
     of the probationary period? In this video, experts talk about   facturing industries talk about the induction process, the pro-
     strategies they use when a new employee isn’t performing   bationary period, what’s expected of a new employee, the
     as expected, rewards given when targets are exceeded, and   type of feedback to expect, and other tips to make a good
     training opportunities in business, hospitality, manufacturing   first impression. 24 minutes. DVD for $139.95; Streaming
     and health. 25 minutes. DVD for $139.95; Streaming for   for $129.95.

     My First Job     DVD                     Job Search Success: Research, Applications,
                                              Interviews, and Starting a Job
     #7422 The first day on the job can be
     an overwhelming experience. This pro-    #8654 This four-part series helps viewers develop an effec-
     gram explores key start-up issues: plan-  tive job search in an accessible, step-by-step, visually compel-
     ning transportation to work; company     ling manner. Each video runs 15-19 minutes: Research, Appli-
     orientation; identifying and reporting   cations, Interviews, and Starting a Job. DVDs for $139.95
                                              each or $539.80 for set of 4; Streaming for $129.95
     to supervisors; getting to know co-workers; fitting into a team;
     occupational health and safety issues; and employee's rights   each or $519.80 for set. See website for details on each
     and responsibilities. 25 minutes. Includes FREE INSTRUC-  video, including PREVIEWS AND DOWNLOADABLE IN-
     TOR’S GUIDE. DVD for $139.95; Streaming for $129.95.  STRUCTOR’S GUIDES.
     All videos come with FREE SHIPPING. Many also include PREVIEWS & INSTRUCTOR’S GUIDES.
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