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               Dealing With Difficult People    DVD
                #9871 Discover time-tested techniques and strategies for defusing volatile situations and bringing
                out the best in people. Viewers learn how to get a grip on their own anger and strong emotions; be
                more assertive; defuse a volatile situation before it occurs; and develop the confidence to speak up
                – and the wisdom to quiet down. 60 minutes. Includes a viewer’s guide and assessment tool. DVD-
                ROM for $109.95.
    Ethics at Work: Doing the Right Thing on the Job    DVD
    #4926 Is it okay to give your friends free food at the restaurant where you work? Or bring home supplies
    from the office? Are these practices just as wrong as stealing from the proverbial cash drawer? That’s
    what this DVD explores, by looking at the ins and outs of ethical behavior in today’s work environment.
    From extended lunches to computer hacking to sexual harassment, the program discusses the fine
    lines of business ethics with employers, employees, and workplace professionals. 20 minutes. Includes
    instructor's guide. DVD for $118.00.

     Soft Skills in the Workplace    DVD     The World of Work    DVD
     #6591 While technical skills may get you a job, your soft skills   #8890  Workers in a variety of oc-
     (personality traits and interpersonal skills) largely determine   cupations share their views about
     success. Soft skills allow you to adapt to changing circum-  what they do and how they adapt
     stances, manage time and resources, and work well with oth-  to a changing employment environ-
     ers. Presents soft skills in five sections: making a professional   ment. Emphasize the need to assess skills
     impression; acting with integrity; communicating effectively;   and interests when searching for the ideal
     working as a team; and pushing yourself to succeed. 35 min-  job as well as maintaining a good balance
     utes. DVD for $195.00.                  between one’s work and personal lives.
                                             15 minutes. DVD for $109.95; Stream-
     You’re Fired! 10 Ways to Lose Your Job and   ing for $99.95.
     How to Avoid Them    DVD
     #5865 Each day 50,000 people are fired in the U.S. Reveals the  Workplace Communication Skills    DVD
     10 most common reasons one gets fired as well as outlines   #8203 Individuals possessing stellar com-
     specific attitudes and behaviors that lead to trouble in the   munication skills are more likely to land
     workplace. Viewers learn what NOT to do on the job as well as   jobs, keep them, and get promoted. This
     strategies for making positive changes to improve their work   program offers guidance for developing
     performance. 30 minutes. DVD for $195.00.           verbal, listening, nonverbal, and written
                                                         skills. Presents scenarios of good and poor
     10 Healthy Work Habits    DVD                       communication skills and includes expert
     #8679  Being healthy has a positive influence on energy   interviews on workplace communication.
     and work performance. In this program, psychologist Pe-  Also addresses communication through e-mail, voicemail, cell
     ter Quarry offers 10 practical strategies for being healthy  phones, video conferencing, and online sites such as Face-
     at work, including: exercise, eating well, healthy thinking,  book and Twitter. 25 minutes. DVD for $195.00.
     talking to someone, overcoming computer fatigue, learn-
     ing to manage conflict, having your say, being grateful,  Assertive Communication Skills     DVD
     leaving work at work, and nurturing yourself. 17 minutes.   #5234 Takes a fresh look at commu-
     DVD for $139.95; Streaming for $129.95.  nication  problems,  from overcoming
                                             obstacles to developing useful hab-
     Workplace Success DVD Kit    DVD        its. Addresses communication break-
                #6605 Success in  the workplaces  is   downs, and outlines simple steps to
                determined by more than just doing a   avoid emotional battlegrounds. Four
                good job according to the expectations   modules cover changing bad habits,
                of your bosses. Above all, it requires be-  different communication styles, emotions, assertive
                ing a savvy employee who understands   techniques, and much more. Includes a PDF viewer’s
                both the written and unwritten rules of   guide and assessment. 90 minutes. DVD for $109.95.
                getting ahead. These 8 DVD examine ev-
              erything from health and ethics to dealing  How to Become a Better Communicator    DVD
              with difficult people and managing your   #5240  Discover how to communi-
              social media environment. Can purchase   cate effectively and confidently with
              separately.  SPECIAL: $839.95 for all 7   proven techniques that are essential
     DVDs. FREE SHIPPING.                    for anyone interested in heading for
        y 10 Healthy Work Habits ($139.95)   the top! Includes six modules: Create
        y Ethics at Work ($118.00)           Rapport,  Build  Trust  and  Establish
        y  First Impressions: Winning Over Your Boss and Cowork-  Your Credibility; Making an Impact
       ers ($139.95)                         – How to Have Power and Influence
        y  First Things First: Working Effectively    With People; Clear and Assertive
       in an Office ($139.95)                Communication  Skills;  Communicating  With Difficult
        y Dealing With Difficult People ($109.95)  People and in Tough Situations; How to Make and Un-
        y My First Job ($139.95)             forgettable, Positive First Impression; Business Etiquette
        y Who Would You Fire? ($109.00)      – Professional Polish That Shows. DVD for $159.00
     All videos come with FREE SHIPPING. Many also include PREVIEWS & INSTRUCTOR’S GUIDES.

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