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STEM Careers in Two Years     DVD
     #8663 You can reach a lucrative level of skill in half the time it takes to earn a bachelor’s degree – by following a vocational
     STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) career track. This four-part series showcases rewarding, well-paid jobs
     in several STEM industries. Each episode features three case studies, all focusing on employees who were hired after completing
     associate’s degrees, certifications, or apprenticeships. 20 minutes each. DVDs for $109.95 each; Streaming for $99.95 each.
     SPECIAL: $429.95 for all 4 DVDs.      y Applied Science and Technology Careers
         y  Advanced Manufacturing and Applied      y Computer and Information Technology Careers
        Engineering Technology Careers     y Health Care and Technology Careers

     Careers Without College     DVD
     #8910  Have you decided that college is not the path for you? Are you wondering what kind of career you’d like to pursue
     and what opportunities are available? This video takes an inside look at today’s top jobs that don’t require a college degree.
     Examines career fields in fast-growing industries such as computers, medicine, trades, and the law. Individuals discuss their
     jobs, skills, and training in featured careers that include Web Developer, Pharmacy Technician, Plumber, and Court Reporter.
     Also covers additional careers in fields that don’t require a college degree. 24 minutes. DVD for $118.00
                     Careers in the Nonprofit Sector     DVD
                     #8518 Explores diverse opportunities available in the nonprofit sector, which includes advoca-
                     cy groups, community organizations, and nongovernmental associations. Features three people
                     who link their passions to their careers. Explains various jobs found in the nonprofit world, in-
                     cluding public relations, tech support, and accounting. Emphasizes the benefits of volunteering.
                     Includes online printable worksheet. 17 minutes. DVD for $139.95; Streaming for $129.95.
     Essential Automotive Tasks       DVD
     #9127  Fuel filter replacements. Starter draw tests. Brake rotor resurfacing. When an auto-
     motive student becomes a working automotive technician, the variety of repair jobs will
     challenge your skills. Each program in this three-part series presents a collection of step-
     by-step tutorials that show how to perform some of the most common tasks an auto-
     motive professional will experience. Led by a veteran, ASE-certified instructor, this series
     is an indispensable resource for aspiring technicians, and a vital tool for instructors dealing with heavy class loads.
     Correlates to ASE and NATEF standards. 23-27 minutes each for a total of 74 minutes. DVD Series for $399.95;
     Streaming Series for $389.95

                 Standout Careers Without a Four-Year Degree:     DVD      NEW!
                  Vocational/Trade School, Certificate & Apprenticeship Programs
                  #8105 Reveals a variety of trade careers – not just jobs – that do not require costly four-year de-
                  grees. These are readily available through vocational/trade schools and lead to cost-effective certif-
                  icates, associates degrees, and apprenticeships. Great careers for ex-offenders re-entering society
                  and for staying out for good! 15 minutes. DVD for $118.00.

     Complete Career Clusters Series           Building Trades II:
     (16 DVDs or SV)     DVD                  20-Program Collection     DVD
     #6251  Covering 16 broad occupa-         #7097 Individuals entering the build-
     tional categories, the Career Clus-      ing  trades  must  master  many  differ-
     ters system offers information on        ent skills while keeping an eye on the
     practically every job there is! Each     “big picture.”  This 20-program series
     and every Cluster is represented in      offers a comprehensive overview of
     this outstanding 16-part series. 16      the home construction process while each individual
     DVDs, 16-24 minutes each. Can or-        program features step-by-step directions that will help
     der each Cluster separately.             students master specific skill sets. Students watch skilled
     SPECIALS: The entire Career Cluster series of 16   tradespeople model the techniques that they’ll use in
     videos in DVD format for $1,699.00; in 3-year   the  field.  Individual  titles  include:  Design and Planning;
     Streaming format for $1,599.00; and as both DVDs   Construction Estimating: Industry Standards; Location and
     and 3-year Streaming for $3,099.00.      Excavating: Site Preparation; Foundations; Introduction to
                                              Framing; Floor and Wall Framing; Ceiling and Roof Framing;
     Career Clusters 1 – Careers in education; health ser-  Framing for Rough-Ins; Alternative Framing Techniques; Wall
     vices; information technology services; and scientific,   and Roof Sheathing; Frames: Doors and Windows; Thermal
     engineering and technical services       Insulation and Vapor Barriers; Ventilation; Interior Wall and
     Career Clusters 2 – Careers in transportation, distribu-  Ceiling Finish; Interior Doors, Frame, and Trim; Plumbing:
     tion and logistics; law, public safety and security; agri-  Rough-In and Final; Electrical: Rough-In and Final; Mechan-
     culture, food and natural resources; and manufacturing.  icals: Rough-In and Final; Flooring Coverings; Roofing, Sid-
     Career Clusters 3 – Careers in the arts, audio-visual   ing, and Finishing. 12-19 minutes each. Includes Spanish
     technology, communication, hospitality and tourism,   narration with English subtitles and English narration
     agriculture and construction, and human services.  with Spanish subtitles. 2007. Can purchase each program
     Career Clusters 4 – Careers in marketing, sales, and   separately. DVD for $89.95 or Streaming for $79.95.
     service; government  and  public administration;  busi-  SPECIAL: The complete DVD  series for $1,599.95;
     ness, management and administration; and finance.  Streaming series for $1,499.00.
     All videos come with FREE SHIPPING. Many also include PREVIEWS & INSTRUCTOR’S GUIDES.

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