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Bipolar Disorder: Shifting Mood Swings DVD     DVD
      #6489 Different from the routine ups and downs of life, the symptoms of bipolar
      disorder are severe – even to the point of being life-threatening. In this insightful
      program, patients speak from their own experience about the complexities of diag-
      nosis and the very real danger of suicide, while family members and close friends
      address the strain of the condition’s cyclic behavior. Three noted mental health spe-
      cialists present new treatment options and medications for controlling bipolar dis-
      order. Organized into 5 segments: Bipolar Disorder, Age at Onset, Brain Chemistry, Alter-
      natives for Bipolar Dis-order, and Suicide Strategies. 24 minute. DVD for $159.95;  Streaming for $149.95.

     PTSD: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder DVD     DVD    BESTSELLER!
     #6486 A psychiatric disorder, PTSD generally follows life-threat-
     ening events like natural disasters, terrorist incidents, and military
     combat. Unfortunately, many PTSD victims don’t realize what afflicts them. This program
     expands awareness and knowledge of the disorder and explores the latest treatment
     options available today. In an illuminating case study, a Vietnam veteran explains how
     the condition destroyed his personal life and forced him into bankruptcy before he found
     relief through Traumatic Incident Reduction Therapy. Includes expert commentary from
     PTSD specialists. 30 minutes. DVD for $139.95; Streaming for $129.95.

                    Anxiety Disorders        Building Psychological
                    #8702 This program takes a com- Resilience
                    prehensive look at anxiety disorders,   #9665 A psychologically resilient
                    including generalized anxiety, panic   teenager has the ability to “bounce
                    attacks, PTSD, obsessive-compulsive   back” after something negative
                    disorders, and phobias. Examines   happens. This program explains
                    causes, symptoms, and treatments.   how young adults can develop that resilience, increasing the
     Along with case studies highlighting the personal experienc-  likelihood that they’ll recover from adolescent stresses and cri-
     es of anxiety disorder patients, helpful visual illustrations and   ses without developing deep or lasting psychological prob-
     input from leading. 21 minutes. DVD for $139.95; Stream-  lems. Includes a case study of a traumatized young woman
     ing Video for $129.95.                    who turned to drugs as a coping mechanism and a self-check
     Bedlam Behind Bars:                     quiz – “How Resilient Are You?” 22 minutes. DVD for $139.95;
                                             Streaming for $129.95.
     Mental Health Problems in American Prisons
                     #9653 America’s prisons are in crisis   Cutting:
                     as they accommodate vast num- Addicted to Self-Injury
                     bers of inmates with serious mental   #6493 Like most addictions, this
                     health problems. This program re-  one starts as a way of coping with
                     veals that more than a million men-  emotional pain. But cutting – the
                     tally troubled Americans are impris-  habit of self-injury on the rise
                     oned and may be chained to beds,   among teenagers, especially girls – is a sign of deep-seated
     sprayed with pepper spray, and kept in isolation indefinitely. A   anxiety and self-hatred that no one can cope with alone. This
     BBC Production. 30 minutes. DVD for $310.00; Streaming   video examines this distressing, ritualized behavior and ex-
     for $300.00.                            plores how parents, friends, guidance counselors, and those
     Behaviors of Concern                    who cut themselves can work together to stop it. 10 minutes.
                                             DVD for $59.95; Streaming for $49.95.
                  #9660 Offers examples of difficult and
                  challenging behaviors as well as pro-
                  vides practical strategies for safe, effec-  The Hidden Epidemic:
                  tive responses. Includes using appropri-  Post-Concussion Syndrome
                  ate communication strategies, following   #8310 PSC, one of today’s most under-diagnosed con-
                  established procedures, and knowing   ditions, leads to anxiety, personality changes, substance
                  when and how to seek assistance or   abuse, and suicidal depression. Athletes in high-impact
     refer a client. Experienced mental health professionals offer   sports are the most at risk, but which other groups are
     helpful information and demonstrate effective responses. 22   vulnerable? What actions should be taken when the dis-
     minutes. DVD for $179.95; Streaming for $169.95.  order is suspected? How can PCS be better addressed by
                                               medical and mental health professionals? These and oth-

     Bipolar: Life Between Two Extremes        er questions are addressed by professional athletes John-
                    #8362 Examines the lives of people   ny Damon and Matt
                    who have struggled for decades with   Hasselbeck  as  well  as
                    bipolar disorder, once known as man-  psychiatrist and brain
                    ic depression. Through case studies   specialist Daniel Amen.
                    and discussions of recent research,   Includes an in-depth
                    the film shows how each patient has   dramatized case study.
                    overcome the grip of debilitating   40 minutes.  DVD for
     despair and hyperactive euphoria, and how advances in psy-  $159.95; Streaming
     chology and neuroscience are helping such individuals lead   for $149.95.
     better, more productive lives. 45 minutes. DVD for $179.95;
     Streaming for $169.95.
     All videos come with FREE SHIPPING. Many also include PREVIEWS & INSTRUCTOR’S GUIDES.

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