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       Life Steps DVD Series     DVD
       Michael Pritchard
       #3899 Character, resiliency, and emotional intelligence these quali-
       ties are all essential for today’s young people to become responsible,
       caring and successful adults. The 12-DVD Life Steps series is designed
       to build the critical traits of character, resiliency, and emotional intel-
       ligence, and help viewers become the best people they can be. The
       series features actual students filmed in actual schools and uses lively,
       spontaneous discussions, dramatized dilemmas, topical humor, and
       the sensitive, supportive guidance of Michael Pritchard, a youth coun-
       selor/comedian, to encourage, engage, and educate viewers. Each
       DVD reflects a multi-ethnic student group, is approximately 28 minutes,
       and includes a Leader’s Guide. Suitable for Grades 6-12. © 2003. $59.95
       each, or the series of 12 DVDs and leader’s guides for $689.00.
       The ABCs of Emotional Intelligence - Outlines the  Getting Along With Others - Teens learn positive
       key elements of emotional intelligence.  ways to conduct themselves in various situations.
       Knowing Who You  Are - Teens learn to reflect on  Building Character - Teaches the elements of char-
       their own behavior, learn from experience, and devel- acter as teens learn to navigate the dilemmas of ad-
       op the ability to resist peer pressure.  olescence.
       Taking Charge - Builds the emotional skills of re- Respect - Barriers to respect are explored as students
       sponsibility as students integrate the fundamentals of  learn that empathy and respect are the basis of all
       self-control.                         healthy relationships.
       Bouncing Back - Teaches the essentials of resiliency.  Responsibility - Teens learn the importance of de-
       Empathy, Caring and Compassion - Students ex-  pendability and trustworthiness.
       plore the critical skills that comprise these, especially  Developing Healthy Relationships - Teens learn to
       having the moral imperative to help those in need,  build their own personal support system, discern true
       such as victims of bullying.          friends, and develop positive refusal skills.
       Creative Problem Solving - Teaches teens how to  Doing Your Best - This program instills the essential
       identify problems, deal with them forthrightly, brain- skills of success: motivation, commitment, goal setting,
       storm options, and choose positive solutions.  persistence, and more. An appreciation of excellence
                                             is stressed.

             #6369 EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Debra Fox Re-  Everyday Character
             veals the secrets of Emotional Intelligence (EI) – the
             ability to stay calm and in control of every situation   Development Series     DVD
             – and explains how to use this skill to take your career   #3592 This informative five-video series shows viewers
             to the next level. Covers the three attributes of EI ev-
             eryone must understand; how your core personality   how daily behavior shapes their future.  Viewers learn
     style affects your EI; how to prepare for people who hit your hot   how to deal with peer pressure, and the program pres-
     buttons to get you off your game; 10 steps for getting someone to   ents simple, everyday ways to improve their character.
     change their negative behaviors; and much more. 90 minutes. 2017.   Includes 5 videos that run 27-30 minutes each: DVD for
     $109.95. SPECIAL: 5 copies for $479.00.   $109.95 each; Streaming Video for $99.95 each. Set
                                              of 5 DVDs for $529.95; 5 Streaming Video programs
             #8004 LIFE SKILLS FOR SUCCESS DVD SERIES   for $499.95
             This four-part DVD series focuses on key life skills re-
             quired for success in today’s stressful and distracting     y  Everyday Decision-Making (27 minutes)
             world –  Career Management Skills, Communication     y  Everyday Goals
             Skills, Stress & Anger Management, and Time & Mon-  (29 minutes)
             ey Management.  $195.00 each.  SPECIAL:  All 4     y  Everyday Peer Pressure
             DVDs for $670.00.                  (28 minutes)
                                                 y  Everyday Self-Esteem
                     Bullies     DVD            (30 minutes)
                     #5964 An estimated 1.6 million     y  Everyday Values
                     students in grades 6-10 in the U.S.   (30 minutes)
                     are bullied one or more times per
                     week – and as many as 150,000   6 Ways to Resolve Conflict     DVD
                     victims cut classes each day just   #5434  Resolving conflict is one of
                     to avoid it. Dr. James Shaw (au-  the most important – yet elusive
     thor of Jack and Jill: Why They Kill) explains how to con-  – skills people need.  This program
     front and counter bullying in schools. Includes candid   teaches six practical techniques you
     interviews with bullied students, including Evan Ramsey   can implement immediately to help
     who killed his school’s principal and a classmate, as well   you achieve effective results.  Topics
     as with two reformed bullies – one male, one female. Stu-  include  looking  inwards, identifying another’s style, using
     dents also share their successes as part of anti-bullying   communication skills, using reflective questions, using posi-
     and peer mediation programs. 18 minutes. 2002. DVD for   tive reinforcement, and using a logical approach. 14 minutes.
     $99.95; Streaming Video for $89.95.      2001. DVD for $139.95; Streaming Video for $129.95.
     All videos come with FREE SHIPPING. Many also include PREVIEWS & INSTRUCTOR’S GUIDES.

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