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The Science of Rage:                    Unbreakable: Surviving Trauma
     Lewis Black                             #10080 Chronicles the harrowing jour-
     #10086 The prolific stand-up comedian Lewis Black discusses   ney towards recovery taken by four
     his use of rage, rant, and the simulated nervous breakdown   women as they strive to rebuild their
     as comedic devices with anger management psychologist   broken lives. Victims of shocking sexual
     Robert Allan. Allan is a noted clinical psychologist at New   crimes, they share the truth about rape;
     York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center and   the violence, trauma, anger, desperation, and the daunt-
     is the author of Getting Control of Your Anger. 56 minutes.   ing process to regain a semblance of their former selves.
     $179.95 for DVD; $169.95 for Streaming.  Their testimonies paint a comprehensive portrait of the
                                             devastating impact such experiences on every aspect of
     Stemming Violence & Abuse               their lives. Includes two videos, Part 1 and Part 2. 120 min-
     #9191 The key to reducing violence      utes. $349.90 for 2 DVDs; $339.90 for Streaming.
     is understanding its roots. This pro-   Violence Against Women
     gram offers insights and suggestions
     that can stop dangerous incidents       #9183  Focuses on the secrecy sur-
                                             rounding domestic violence. Hosted by
     before they start. Explores ways to
     avoid becoming a victim of campus       a policewoman and a television news
                                             anchor,  it  contains  stories  of  hope  for
     crime; domestic abuse and the cycle of violence theory
     as defined by psychologist Lenore Walker; date rape and   women who are currently in violent relationships, and pro-
                                             vides valuable information on how to leave an abusive part-
     guidelines for preventing it; the triggers for bias crimes;
     the factors that influence youth to join gangs; and how to   ner -- speaking out, having a plan, when to leave, where to
                                             go, the legal aspects, getting help for abusers, and how to
     handle sexual harassment in the workplace or at school.
     29 minutes. $159.95 for DVD; $149.95 for Streaming.  protect and counsel children who live in violent homes. 46
                                             minutes. $179.95 for DVD; $169.95 for Streaming.
     Attitude, Motivation, and
     Self-Esteem DVD Kit
     #6603 Developing positive attitudes, moti-
     vations, and self-esteem are key to sustaining
     an effective job search and remaining visible
     and productive on the job. These 5 DVDs
     help individuals remain positive despite
     occasional rejections and disappoint-
     ments and excel in achieving goals. Can
     purchase separately.  SPECIAL: $638.95
     for all 5 DVDs.
        y  Assertive Communication Skills
        y Boost Your Confidence ($169.95)
        y  Building Self-Esteem: You’ve Got the Power ($108.00)
        y  Changing Your Attitude, Change Your Life! ($129.95)
        y  Goal Setting: Define and Achieve Your
       Dream Life ($108.00)


     Marketing Yourself for a Second Career:
     Finding the Right Job After Military Service
     Colonel Jerry Crews, U.S. Army Retired
     #5122 Filmed live at a transition seminar in the Pentagon, this insightful and humorous pro-
     gram includes stories, examples, and analyses of what transitional military and their families
     need to do to find rewarding second careers. Focuses on re-enlistment, retirement, spouses, families, benefits, dilem-
     mas, job fairs, finances, security clearances, networking, resumes, interviews, salary negotiations, and much more. 120
     minutes. 2012. ISBN 978-1-57023-275-6. $49.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $349.95; 100 copies for $2,499.95.

     All videos come with FREE SHIPPING. Many also include PREVIEWS & INSTRUCTOR’S GUIDES.

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