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     Top Five Tips for Safe Driving     DVD     Road Rage: Havoc on the Highway     DVD
                    #10089 Using interviews with  #10085 Tailgating, making rude
                    a neurologist, a police officer, a   gestures,  and  cutting  other  cars
                    mechanic, and driving instructors,   off are only three of the ways that
                    this program identifies numerous   drivers exhibit aggressive behav-
                    driving distractions as well as out-  ior – behavior that can provoke
                    lines the five best ways to stay safe   road rage, a growing factor in au-
     behind the wheel. Goes beyond stock advice to provide   tomobile injuries and fatalities. This program spotlights
     concrete strategies for avoiding distractions, night and   a wide variety of potentially explosive driving situations
     bad weather driving, and defensive driving, while also   in order to help students recognize the warning signs
     covering legal limitations and basic vehicle safety. Also   of road rage in others and in themselves. Experts offer
     features a list of essential items to keep in the car, lets   insights into why normally capable drivers sometimes
     students know what do to if the car goes into a skid or   go berserk, while police officers discuss how others who
     breaks down, and more. Includes a FREE downloadable   share the road can avoid becoming their victims. 23 min-
     instructor’s guide. 18 minutes. DVD only for $109.95.  utes. Includes  FREE  downloadable Instructor’s Guide.
                                             DVD for $109.95; Streaming for $99.95.
     Rage Behind the Wheel: A Look At Teen
     Drivers & Road Rage      DVD            Deadly Driving Distractions     DVD
                    #6720 What exactly is road rage?  #7712 Distracted drivers are re-
                    What can trigger it? How can it be   sponsible for 80 percent of all
                    avoided? Experts in law enforce-  car crashes and  65 percent of
                    ment and youth psychology answer   near-collisions in the United States.
                    those and other questions as the   This DVD helps viewers steer clear
                    camera captures actual road rage   of the dangers resulting from driv-
     incidents involving teen drivers. These same teens hon-  ing while texting, talking on cell phones, eating, smok-
     estly express their points of view as frustrated drivers while   ing, and other distractions. Includes conversations with
     openly taking responsibility for their inappropriate anger.   teens and college students who share their thoughts on
     Hammers home potential life-changing consequences of   the subject while driving instructors and other educa-
     road rage ranging from a revoked license to a criminal con-  tors explore safe driving methods. Emergency room per-
     viction for aggravated assault or death by auto. 19 minutes.   sonnel and car crash survivors offer cautionary advice.
     Includes FREE downloadable Instructor’s Guide. DVD for   25 minutes. Includes  FREE downloadable Instructor’s
     $109.95; Streaming for $99.95; both for $189.95.   Guide. DVD for $109.95; Streaming for $99.95.

       ANGER, RAGE, VIOLENCE & TRAUMA (More titles on pgs 22-25)

      The Truth About Violence     DVD
      #10088 Hiding deep within the human mind are forces that can cause violence and mur-
      der. Examines the primal centers of the brain and the behaviors they control in order to
      better understand violence. Illustrating the role of brain chemicals like dopamine and sero-
      tonin as well as social conditioning that brings belligerence to the forefront, the film shows
      how violence is accepted, celebrated, or conveniently overlooked. Covers sleep deprivation,
      the link between brain damage and domestic violence, the thought processes of convicted
      murderers, and a Bolivian village in which fistfighting settles legal disputes. A BBC Produc-
      tion. 52 minutes. $319.95 for DVD; $300.00 for Streaming.
     After the Outrage:                      Preventing School Violence
     Violence, Trauma, and Recovery          #7171  This program thoroughly ex-
     #10073 This program follows thera-      amines violence among children and
     pists working to treat diverse yet often   teens. Features innovative preventive
     comparable trauma cases -- from children abused by fam-  measures yielding impressive results at
     ily members to a survivor of the Rwandan genocide. The  schools in New Jersey and New Hamp-
     result: a global perspective on the effort to decode and  shire. Noted psychologist Daniel Gole-
     transcend the effects of horrific violence. Includes strat-  man, author of Emotional Intelligence, presents his theories
     egies drawn from art and music therapy as well as more  on improving the school environment, and James Garbari-
     conventional forms of treatment and analysis. 56 minutes.  no, author of Lost Boys, talks about the pressures that can
     $179.95 for DVD; $169.95 for Streaaming.  lead to extreme acts of violence at school – even murder. 29
     The Perfect Victim                      minutes. $159.95 for DVD; $149.95 for Streaming.
     #9188  Shirley, Carlene, and Ruby       Real Life Teens: Teen Anger
     were convicted of murdering their       #10084 Anger is often the most power-
     abusive husbands. Beaten, raped,        ful emotion for teens -- but it can reveal
     sold, abused, and almost murdered,      deep underlying emotions. Covers teen
     they suffered for years prior to their desperate crimes. A  anger and why anger can be the tip of
     powerful and poignant insight into the world of domestic  an emotional iceberg. Includes identifying anger; why anger
     abuse, the lives it destroys, and an insensitive U.S. justice  can be destructive; common sources of anger in teens; how
     system. A shocking and unforgettable film with mature  to let out anger; anger and home life; anger on campus; vio-
     themes and explicit language and imagery. 84 minutes.  lence and anger; and expressing emotions in a positive way.
     $179.95 for DVD; $169.95 for Streaming.  19 minutes. . $109.95 for DVD; $99.95 for Streaming.

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