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#9168  PARENTING PRINCIPLES. Positive parent-  #6323  A SENTENCE OF  THEIR OWN.  This
            ing begins by creating an emotionally healthy envi-  award-winning DVD program, by Oscar-nominat-
            ronment for children to grow, be loved, and experi-  ed director Edgar A. Barens, chronicles one fam-
            ence guidance and respect. Leading adolescence and   ily’s annual pilgrimage to prison, revealing the
            parenting expert Laurence Steinberg, Ph.D., examines   damaging impact incarceration has on families.
     10 basic principles of good parenting. Parents share their personal   Shows the slow descent of a family “doing time”
     child rearing experiences while Dr. Steinberg delves into the im-  on the outside. Calls for a closer examination of
     portant role parents play in shaping emotionally healthy children   the growing use of incarceration and its impact
     throughout the span of childhood. 38 minutes. 2014.  $109.95   on families and communities. 53 minutes. $125.00. SPECIAL:
     DVD; $99.95 for Streaming Video subscription.  5 copies for $539.95.
     Malachi Dads Curriculum for Incarcerated Men:
     A Faith-Based Re-Awakening and Renewal Program     BOOKS ONLY
     Dr. Gene A. Getz and Inmates at Louisiana State Penitentiary
     #9724 This popular re-awakening and renewal program for fathers is widely used by prison ministries. Chris-
     tian-themed and Bible-based, it includes lessons designed to help men live as godly examples in their families
     and communities. Offers practical, biblical advice for life, marriage, parenting, and more. Includes 5 books:
        y Malachi Dads: Family Restoration (162 pages – $12.99)    y Malachi Dads: The Heart of a Man, Part 2 (256 pages – $13.99)
        y  Malachi Dads: The Heart of a Father (96 pages – $13.99)    y  Malachi Dads: Psalm 1, The Blessed Man (56 pages – $6.99)
        y Malachi Dads: The Heart of a Man, Part 1 (224 pages – $13.99)
     SPECIALS: $59.95 for all 5 books; 5 sets of 5 books for $279.00; 10 set of 5 books for $529.00; 25 sets of 5
     books for $1,299.00; 50 sets of 5 books for $2,569.00; 100 sets of 5 books for $4,999.00.

     Parenting Basics Video Library          Active Parenting Video Library (4th Edition)
     #8872 This collection of 24 videos (10-12 minutes each) is   #8028 Designed for parents of children ages 5 to 12, this
     about parenting babies from birth to 2 years with a focus   set of 6 stand-alone DVDs provide parents with the skills
     on health literacy. Programs show young parents how to   they need to meet the challenges of parenting in today’s
     make healthy choices for themselves and their children. Six   turbulent society:
     videos address birth to 6 months old; six address babies 7 to     y The Active Parent
     12 months old; six address 1-year olds; and six address 2-year     y Cooperation & Communication
     olds. Includes one handout for parents per video. Titles:    y Responsibility & Discipline
        y Nutrition         y Play and Milestones    y Building Courage & Self-Esteem
        y Health and Safety    y Self Care for Moms    y  Understanding and Redirecting Misbehavior
        y  Emotional Health and      y Fatherhood     y Active Parenting for School Success
       Positive Discipline                   14  to 24  minutes each.  Available  in  English or  Spanish
     Available in English or Spanish. $99.95 each. SPECIAL:   (please specify). Can purchase separately for $105.95 each.
     Complete set of 24 videos for $2,295.00.  SPECIAL: Complete set of 6 DVDs for $549.00.
    Incarcerated Parents Video Kit for Men   Single Parenting: The Family in Harmony
    #5229  Parenting is often a sobering experience, especially for   #7740 This positive bestselling 2-video program, featur-
    incarcerated fathers who want to take personal responsibility   ing real-life experiences of diverse parents from different
    for their choices. This collection of DVDs touches the hearts   backgrounds, teaches single parents how to best care for
    and enriches the minds of those who wish to “make it right on   their children while also caring for themselves using prov-
    the outside” with their family and children. Can purchase sepa-  en parenting strategies. STREAMING VIDEO ONLY!
    rately. SPECIAL: $639.95 for all 5 DVDs. Also   Volume 1: Creating a Healthy Life for Yourself – Shows
    available for women: Incarcerated Parents   single parents how to prioritize the needs of their children
    Video Kit for Women (#5232)                while still maintaining their own health, interests, and activities.
        y  Fathering: What It Means to         Volume 2: Creating a Healthy Life for Your Child – Provides
       Be a Dad ($109.95)                      strategies for single parents to meet the varying needs and
        y   Fatherless in America ($179.95)    unique challenges of their children from birth to adolescence.
        y Parenting 101 ($109.95)            Available in English and Spanish versions. 30 minutes
        y Parenting Principles ($109.95)     each. SPECIAL: $129.95 each or $259.90 for set of
        y  The Story of Fathers and Sons ($159.00)  two streaming videos.

                 Positive Parenting Video Bundle
                 #9954 Raising healthy children and building strong families go hand in hand. The following video pro-
                 grams address some of the most important issues affecting child rearing – from birth to teens – and
                 evolving family situations, including divorce, single parenting, fatherhood, and extended families. Can
                 purchase separately. SPECIALS: $3,399.00 for all 11 streaming videos; $439.00 for all 4 DVD pro-
                 grams; $3,399.00 for all 11 streaming video + 4 DVD programs. FREE SHIPPING/HANDLING.
         y Building Strong Families ($169.95 – #7159)    y Parenting 101 ($99.95 – #8057)
         y  The Dad Difference: Raising Children Birth to Five      y  Parenting Basics Video Library ($1,999.00 – #8872) Stream-
        ($259.90 – #7935) Streaming Video only  ing Video only
         y Fathering: What It Means to Be a Dad ($99.95 – #7404)    y Parenting Principles ($99.95 – #9168)
         y  How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children ($389.85 –     y  Real Life Parenting Skills Program ($297.00 – #9955)
        #8818) Streaming Video only            Streaming Video only
         y  Life Skills for Teen Parents ($389.85 – #7736)      y  Single Parenting ($129.95 – #7740)
        Streaming Video only                   Streaming Video only

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