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Creative Problem Solving     DVD        Life Skills for a Well-Adjusted
     #9668 This video lecture, featuring Dr. Neil Thompson,  Adolescence      DVD
     presents a foundation for creative problem solving. Ex-  #7428 Three videos help students learn
     plaining why it is important to have strategies for prob-  to say no to negative risks, cope with
     lem solving, the video emphasizes the advantages of   stress,  and  build  durable  psychological  resilience with
     using a creative problem-solving approach and presents   this three-part series: 22-27 minutes each. 3 DVDs for
     advice and guidance on problem solving. 43 minutes.   $399.95; 3 Streaming Videos for $389.95.
     DVD for $179.95; Streaming for $169.95.     y Taking Control: Strategies for Coping With Stress
     D is for Decisions:                         y Building Psychological Resilience
     Be a Smart Consumer     DVD                 y Risk-Taking: Knowing When to Say No
     #9669 Teens Maggie and Ethan go online   On Your Own: Independent Living Skills
     to shop while applying the four steps con-  #7728  This practical six-program series helps young
     sumers should consider when shopping    adults start living independently from parents and other
     smart: set a goal, list resources, shop care-  “supervisors.” Quick and to the point, each video focuses
     fully, and evaluate the purchase. They also learn four things   on 6 key areas of independent living: Finding an Apart-
     to keep in mind when shopping online, four ways to evalu-  ment, Managing Money, Cooking  Healthy, Shopping
     ate their decisions, and the difference between what they   Smart, Housekeeping, and Building a Wardrobe. 17-25
     need and what they want. 17 minutes. DVD for $179.95;   minutes each. $109.95 per DVD or $639.00 for 6-part
     Streaming for $169.95.                  series; Streaming for $99.95 each or $599.70 for set.
     Finding Your Element      DVD           Building Self-Esteem: You’ve Got the Power
     #1641 Enjoy your life, don't just endure it!   #7064 Good self-esteem gives you the power to deal
     Sir Ken Robinson, Ph.D, brings his  noted   with changes, pressures, and influences as well as devel-
     speaking skills to the screen in this special   op healthier relationships and achieve greater success. In
     program. He talks about how to find your   other words, the better you feel about yourself, the better
     element and do the work you enjoy with a   your life will be. Viewers learn 9 steps to building self-es-
     sense of purpose and contentment. The program offers   teem, including clarifying values; building positive rela-
     practical advice, techniques, and resources that will help   tionships; setting goals; and accepting and liking yourself
     you put your ideas into practice, helping you lead a more   just the way you are. 20 minutes. $118.00
     fulfilling life. 57 minutes. DVD for $179.95/ Streaming
     for $169.95.                            Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life!
                                             #8409  This award-winning (Silver Award, Telly Award)
     Goal Setting: Discovering Your Gifts      DVD    program for teens demonstrates effective techniques
     #9670 Students use a powerful strategy to fulfill their life   for building an optimistic, “can-do” attitude. Using true-
     goals: write out goals, list potential obstacles, identify peo-  to-life scenarios about teens with decidedly negative
     ple to work with, pinpoint skills they need, and then make a   outlooks, it covers how to think positively, turn failure
     plan of action. Carving out time for both practice and rest,   into success, and set realistic goals. 24 minutes. In-
     working through technical difficulties, and polishing up   cludes a DVD and CD guide. $139.95
     their people skills, the teens learn to overcome the barriers
     that most often trip people up on their path to success. 20  Power of Choice     DVD
     minutes. DVD for $109.95; Streaming for $99.95.   #7496  This 12-part youth guid-
                                             ance DVD series, featuring Michael
     Help! I’m Stressed      DVD             Pritchard, empowers teens to make
     #9672 Students are stressed about       good choices in their lives. The pro-
     what’s going on in their lives, and     grams help trigger group discussion
     they don’t know what to do. Home-       about personal thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and
     work, grades, relationships, family,    to look critically at how they make choices. Titles include:
     appearance, money, expectations,        Drinking and Driving, Sex, Friendship and Dating, Depression
     the future --sometimes it’s all just    and Suicide, Communicating With Parents, and Raising Your
     too much. This program explains exactly what stress is,   Parents. Each program comes with a companion guide
     distinguishes between bad stress and good stress, out-  filled with discussion questions, group activities, and writ-
     lines symptoms of stress overload, and suggests strate-  ing assignments. 30 minutes each. Can purchase separate-
     gies to keep stress levels in check. 26 minutes. DVD for   ly $69.95 each or complete 12-part set for $689.00.
     $109.95; Streaming for $99.95.

      The Story of Fathers and Sons     DVD
      #6934 One father loses his two-month-old son; another father watches his son grow up through
      prison bars; one son wants to be the father he never had; and another son sheds tears of joy to
      be an old man alongside his dad. This documentary reflects the cycle of fatherhood and the path
      to maturity. Among the many poignant stories told firsthand are those of actor Edward James
      Olmos and basketball star Shaquille O’Neal. What these boys and men reveal is almost staggering
      in its candor. 45 minutes. $159.00.
      The Story of Mothers and Daughters     DVD        FREE SHIPPING!
      #6933 This intimate, deeply moving, and painfully honest award-winning documentary film
      is about the profoundly important mother-daughter bond. Fifty American women and girls,
      during pivotal life-moments from cradle to grave, give revealing self-portraits of the mother-daughter rela-
      tionship in all its rich diversity and complexity. Originally aired on ABC and PBS. 72 minutes. $159.00

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