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Life Skills for Success DVD Series      DVD
     #8004 This new four-part DVD series focuses on key life skills required for success in today’s stressful
     and distracting world – Career Management Skills, Communication Skills, Stress & Anger Management,
     and Time & Money Management. $195.00 each. SPECIAL: $670.00 for all 4 DVDs.
     Building Self-Esteem: You’ve Got the Power     DVD
     #7064 Good self-esteem gives you the power to deal with changes, pressures, and influences as well as develop
     healthier relationships and achieve greater success. In other words, the better you feel about yourself, the better
     your life will be. Viewers learn 9 steps to building self-esteem, including clarifying values; building positive rela-
     tionships; setting goals; and accepting and liking yourself just the way you are. 20 minutes. DVD for $118.00.

            Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life!     DVD
            #8409  This award-winning (Silver Award, Telly Award) program for teens demonstrates effective tech-
            niques for building an optimistic, “can-do” attitude. Using true-to-life scenarios about teens with decid-
            edly negative outlooks, it covers how to think positively, turn failure into success, and set realistic goals.
            24 minutes. Includes a DVD and CD guide. DVD for $139.95.
     Finding Your Element, with Sir Ken Robinson     DVD
     #1641 An internationally recognized leader in the development of education, creativity, and innovation and a
     New York Times bestselling author, talks about how to find your “element” and do the work you enjoy with a sense
     of purpose and contentment. Offers practical advice, techniques, and resources that will help you put your ideas
     into practice, helping you lead a more fulfilling life. 57 minutes. 2013. DVD for $179.95; Streaming for $169.95.
     Power of Choice     DVD
     #7496 This 12-part youth guidance DVD series, featuring Michael Pritchard, empowers teens
     to make good choices in their lives. The programs help trigger group discussion about personal
     thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and to look critically at how they make choices. Titles include:
     Drinking and Driving, Sex, Friendship and Dating, Depression and Suicide, Communicating With Par-
     ents, and Raising Your Parents. Each program comes with a companion guide filled with discussion questions, group activities,
     and writing assignments. 30 minutes each. Can purchase separately ($79.95 each) or complete 12-part set for $689.00.


    When Presentation Counts:
    Grooming, Dressing, and Body Language     DVD
    #8695 Whether you’re seeking your first job, starting a new job, or just trying to get ahead on the
    job, don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression! Indeed, like it or not,
    studies show that our appearance, body language and other mannerisms are incredibly important
    to how someone perceives us. This new DVD offers seasoned tips on grooming and basic styles of
    dress. It shows how verbal and nonverbal communication, body language, and posture can impair
    or enhance your overall image. Includes Instructor’s Guide. 32 minutes. DVD for $118.00.
     First Impressions: Etiquette and Work Habits for New Employees     DVD
     #4604 A bad first impression is hard to shake – something Jason, Marita, and Chris find out on their
     first day at work. This video saves viewers from common workplace blunders by showing how to pres-
     ent a polished appearance, use positive body language, and demonstrate a can-do work ethic. Donna
     Panko, a professional corporate image consultant, shares her knowledge while the Wall of Wasted
     Opportunities – an animated rogues’ gallery of employees who blew their first impression – memorably drives the pro-
     gram’s message home. 22 minutes. DVD for $109.95 Streaming for $99.95; DVD + 3-year Streaming for $189.95.
                    Casual Success: Clothing for Work and Leisure     DVD
                    #3117  Clothing choices have changed dramatically as the lines between work and leisure
                    have increasingly blurred. This video reviews corporate dress requirements, looks at options for
                    leisure wear, and shows how to purchase clothing to serve both areas of one’s life…all from the
                    perspective of getting the most out of a clothing budget. 15 minutes. 2000. DVD for $99.95;
                    Streaming for $89.95; DVD + 3-year Streaming for $179.95.
     Mind Your Manners: Practical Etiquette for Everyday     DVD
     #4808  You may know which fork to use, but do you know how to make an introduction? What
     about the do’s and don’ts of a business luncheon? Or the proper way to address supervisors? At
     home, in school, on the job, with friends, are you always confident you’re on the right etiquette
     page? This practical guide to everyday etiquette covers it all, from handling a phone call to assisting
     a customer, to maintaining a friendship to dining with new acquaintances. Offers useful advice to be
     at ease in almost any situation. 22 minutes. DVD for $118.00.
     Manners Boot Camp: Professional Courtesy     DVD
     #6711 2016 Bronze Telly Award winner. Having good manners and observing professional courtesies
     will help you stand out from the crowd as well as land a job and succeed once on the job. Join Sasha
     and Sean as they work to get their etiquette in shape for the professional world of work. The program
     covers: Why manners are important; job interview etiquette; business phone etiquette; and email ba-
     sics. 18 minutes DVD for $139.95; Streaming for $129.95.

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