Page 12 - DDS July 2017 Newsletter The Scoop
P. 12
Meet Kecia Bivins, Director Reg Comp
The Director of Regulatory Compliance - a native of Atlanta who earned a Bachelor’s in English
from at UGA, a Master’s in Administration from Central Michigan and loves being a Mom, opens
up to the DDS Scoop!
What do you enjoy most about working at DDS?
I love my job! I enjoy working with my brilliant team and colleagues. Our ability to promote
safety, leverage technology, and create sustainable policies for the motoring public is
unparalleled. Community engagement is another aspect of my role that I really enjoy. I thrive
on building relationships with external stakeholders such as small business owners, non-profits,
corporations, other agencies, trade associations, and support economic development to help
further the agency’s mission.
What contribution to the Regulatory Compliance Division are you most proud of?
Most recently it would be the changes that are taking place in our Commercial Driver’s License
(CDL) Program. There’s a huge shortage for qualified CDL drivers. We have worked both
internally and externally to try to assist in getting more qualified drivers on the road. We work
across ALL divisions at DDS. It’s not just about Regulatory Compliance, it’s our entire organization