Page 26 - DDS Annual Report FY 2019
P. 26



                                                      Information Technology

                                                      This Division provides technical services to the agency, its
                                                      customers, and business partners.

                                                      Application Development & Support

                                                      The Application Development and Support Section
                                                      performs computer program development for the state’s
                                                      IBM mainframe and acts as the internal service desk for all
                                                      internal DDS IT issues. The IBM mainframe system provides
                                                      the core programs used in the issuance and maintenance of
                                                      secure identity credentials.

                                                      Business Planning & Analysis

                                                      The Business Planning and Analysis Section provides
                                                      Program Management, Business Analysis and testing for
                                                      DDS’ functions requiring IT engagement.

                                                      Web Development & Support

                                                      The Web Development and Support Section provides
                                                      development and support for web applications. These
                                                      applications extend the secure identity credentials process
                                                      to the Internet, provide secure application interfaces, and
                                                      meet internal or external business needs.

                                                      Information Security & Administration

                                                      The Information Security & Administration Section includes
                                                      the Information Security Office, network support, 3rd party
                                                      application support, and ID/Access administration.

FY2019 SYSTEMS SUPPORTED                              State and Federal Government Interfaces
Driver’s License and Identification Issuance System	  including courts and public safety
                                                      American Association of Motor Vehicle
DDS2GO Mobile App	                                    Administrators (AAMVA) Interface
                                                      Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Interface
DDS Public Web Site	
                                                      Commercial Driver’s License Information System (CDLIS)/PDPS
Public Online Services	                               National Database Interface
Investigative Services Apps	
                                                      Problem Driver Pointer System (PDPS) Interface
Lobby Management System	
                                                      Driver’s License Testing Application
Document Management System	

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