Page 23 - DDS Annual Report FY 2019
P. 23



Governmental Affairs and                                       FY 2019 DDS SOCIAL MEDIA FOLLOWERS
                                                               	 Facebook	 Twitter	 Instagram	 YouTube
This division is responsible for tracking legislation and
keeping the Commissioner informed on relevant issues           JAN	  12,252	 17,570	   1,214	      803
relating to the agency, soliciting and reviewing all requests
for new legislation and monitoring legislation proposed        FEB	  55	-62	 4	 30
during the General Assembly. They produce the monthly
electronic Agency newsletter, The Scoop, highlighting          MAR	 305	 17	 20	36
team members and their accomplishments. In addition, the
annual production of five Georgia training manuals and         APR	 64	 -1	 6	35
management of the statewide Motor Vehicle Network (MVN)
information service are also responsibilities of this unit.    MAY	  51	-151	 11	 36

The Public Information Officer (PIO) manages, produces         JUN	 112	-21	 12	 16
and disseminates information about DDS’ activities
and programs to statewide and local media as well as           JUL	 99	35	 5	39
                                                               AUG	 62	 -7	 7	23
A Marketing Specialist II focuses on the Agency’s social
media presence including maintaining the Facebook,             SEP	 48	 12	 0	32
Instagram, Twitter and YouTube accounts.
                                                               OCT	 22	 -5	 14	40
This Division also utilizes a part-time Graphic Designer and
college-level interns from the metro-Atlanta area.             NOV	  38	-482	 6	 30

Accomplishments this year include producing an award-          DEC	  33	-39	 6	 20
winning campaign for DDS 2 GO, the production of original
photographed and designed covers for all five Georgia          TOTAL	 13,141	16,866	 1,305	 1,140
Driver’s Manuals and the expansion of DDS’ Social Media
presence by acquiring over 13,000 Facebook likes, 17,392       FY 2019 CUSTOMERS SERVED VIA SOCIAL MEDIA
Twitter followers and 1,279 Instagram followers.
                                                               	 Facebook	 Twitter	 Instagram	 YouTube
                                                               JAN	 87	0	 0	0
                                                               FEB	 59	0	 0	0
                                                               MAR	 59	 1	 0	0
                                                               APR	 51	3	 0	0
                                                               MAY	 48	4	 0	0
                                                               JUN	 61	 1	 3	0
                                                               JUL	 106	 1	 3	0
                                                               AUG	 54	 1	 8	0
                                                               SEP	 67	 1	 9	0
                                                               OCT	 68	3	 9	0
                                                               NOV	 34	3	 3	0
                                                               DEC	 43	3	 4	0
                                                               TOTAL	 737	21	 39	 0

                                                                     CAMPAIGN FOR DDS 2 GO
                                                                      EXPANDED DDS’ SOCIAL

                                                                          MEDIA PRESENCE:

                                                                               Facebook Likes


                                                                              Twitter Followers


                                                                            Instagram Followers

FY 2019 ANNUAL REPORT	                                                                                     23
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