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                 COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE

                 The Commissioner’s Office includes the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and two executive assistants.

                                                    Juvenile Justice.  In this capacity,   Warehouse
                                                    he managed approximately 30       The operation and management
                                                    law enforcement professionals     of the warehouse including
                                                    including investigators, criminal   shipping and receiving.  Is
                                                    intelligence specialists,         the storage facility for all DDS
                                                    polygraph examiners and training   forms and manuals responsible
                                                    coordinators.                     for dispersing those to the

                                                    At DDS, Ricky provides leadership   customer service centers
                                                    and oversight for agency          Warehouse management refers
                                                    operations by working closely     to the oversight of operations
                                                    with Commissioner Moore to        in a warehouse. This includes
                 Commissioner                       identify methods to strengthen    receiving, tracking, and storing
                 Spencer R. Moore, a Georgia        the entire agency while focusing   inventory, as well as training staff,
                 native and career public servant,   on the DDS Core Values.          managing shipping, workload
                 was appointed Commissioner of      CUSTOMER SERVICE                  planning, and monitoring the
                 DDS on January 17, 2017.                                             movement of goods.
                 His 25-year career in state        This Division includes Facilities,   Asset Management
                 government includes 14 years       Asset Management and
                 with the Governor’s Office of      Emergency Management.             Asset Management includes the
                 Highway Safety (GOHS).  He                                           inventory of all DDS equipment
                 served his last six years at GOHS   Facilities                       and furniture including State
                 as Deputy Director and became a    DDS continues to improve the      vehicles.
                 leading expert in highway traffic   physical environment for our     Emergency Management
                 safety initiatives.
                                                    team members and customers.       To ensure that DDS Team
                                                    Six building projects have        Members and customers are
                                                    been funded and are ongoing.      prepared for all emergencies,
                                                    The Team is responsible for       safety awareness training and
                                                    new construction as well as       drills are scheduled regularly.
                                                    the maintenance of all DDS        The Team utilizes Team
                                                    properties.                       Safety Captains and the Nixle
                                                                                      Emergency Communication

                 Deputy Commissioner
                 Ricky Rich was appointed
                 Deputy Commissioner of DDS
                 in February 2017.  The previous
                 three years, he served as
                 Director of Investigations for
                 the Georgia Department of

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