Page 19 - Revised DDS_FYAnnualReport2021 Board Corrections
P. 19
This department is responsible for securing, managing and reporting the department’s financial resources.
Major units include Budget, Accounting & Payroll, General Ledger, Procurement, Asset Management, General
Support Services, Grants Administration and Revenue Collection.
Accounting & Payroll Budget Purchase Orders (PO) and VISA
Accounting includes the Accounts Budget develops and submits the Purchase Cards (P-Card). They
Payable, Revenue, and General current year end annual operating develop specifications for all bid
Ledger units. Accounts Payable budget (AOB) and the next fiscal items.
(AP) processes all checks for year budget request (Program Asset Management
expenses of the Department, Based) to the Governor’s Office
such as utilities, rents, supplies, of Planning and Budget (OPB). Asset Management manages the
and travel expenses. AP entered Budget tracking, maintenance department’s property exceeding
8,278 vouchers for Fiscal Year and expenditure projections are a unit price of $5,000 with
2021. vital tasks that the budget office certain DDS defined exceptions.
There are 68 physical locations
Revenue balances all money performs. Grants management statewide, most of which are
collected at the CSCs. They and budget analysis are critical leased.
balanced revenue totaling to ensure that DDS utilizes all
$91,196,928. General Ledger money avenues to support the General Support Services
is responsible for balancing all mission. This unit is responsible The Mailroom handles thousands
monthly bank statements and for interacting with all divisions of pieces of mail daily. Fleet
the daily automated renewal within the agency to identify Services is also under the
processes of mail-in and internet. funding needs, applying for responsibility of this section,
DDS has 56 bank accounts. The financial support, and managing managing vehicles for agency
Payroll Unit is responsible for the financial and programmatic use. Additionally, this unit
processing pay checks/direct aspects of subsequent awards. oversees the operation and safety
deposits for all employees for two Procurement of headquarters and warehouse
pay periods each month. They facilities.
also balance all time and leave Procurement issues Request For
through the Kronos system. Proposals (RFP), Request For
Quotes (RFQ), other bid requests,
$91,196,928 8,278 56
Revenue Balanced in Vouchers Entered in DDS Bank
FY2021 FY2021 Accounts