Page 12 - VillageNews10-25-2017
P. 12


       Football recaps

       MONACAN 37, L.C. BIRD 22           Chris Tyree and the second from        With a disappointing loss,      Wilson rushed for a touchdown,
                                          Elijah Burns. Though Tyree left the   Hopewell fell to 6-2. Things don’t get   giving them a 12-10 lead. That proved
          Going into Friday's game, L.C. Bird   game with an injury, Burns and Collin   any easier for the Blue Devils, as they   to be the turning point of the game.
       had not lost to Monacan since 1998.   Holmes shouldered the load easily.   face 8-0 Dinwiddie this Friday.   Right before halftime, Fong-Wilson
       The Chiefs were able to overpower the   The Knights' offense would                                        would throw a 37-yard touchdown to
       Skyhawks on their home turf winning   continue to shine as senior     MEADOWBROOK 27, MATOACA 10          extend the lead to 9.
       37-22. There was plenty of star power in   quarterback John Pierce got in on the                             Meadowbrooks'defense shut
       the game, as Bird boasts the top running   act, late in the third quarter throwing   Matoaca hosted Meadowbrook   Matoaca’s offense down in the second
       back in the area, C.J. Donaldson,   a touchdown to A.J. Chavis. That gave   for their annual homecoming game   half allowing no scoring and causing
       while Monacan has a four-year starter   them a 21-0 lead. The Knights would   Friday night. The Warriors came in   a fumble. The Monarchs would
       quarterback in Syour Fludd, and perhaps   cruise the rest of the way, scoring   riding high off a victory over Colonial  seal the game as running back K.J.
       the area's second best rusher, Korey   three more touchdowns before the   Heights, while the Monarchs were   McNeil returned a punt return for
       Bridy.                             final gun.                         searching for offensive answers     a touchdown, followed by Darius
          L.C. Bird held the lead in the      Leading the Knights were       after scoring just six points in their   Saunders two-point conversion. Brett
       second quarter as quarterback Marcus   Holmes, who finished with 140 yards   previous two games.          Hall was key defender, finishing the
       Banks took off on a wild 90-yard   and a touchdown, and Burns, who        Meadowbrook was able to keep    game with a team-high eight tackles,
       touchdown run, making the score 14-  completed the game with 122 yards   their own playoff hopes alive while   a sack, and pass break-up. Connor
       10. However, Monacan would answer   and two touchdowns. The Knights'   eliminating Matoaca with a 27-10   Adams recorded five tackles, two of
       with two rushing touchdowns by Birdy  defense played very well, holding   win.                            them for losses.
       which pushed the Chiefs ahead 24-14   Hopewell to season low in both points   The Warriors would take        Fong-Wilson wnt 6-for-8 in
       at the halftime break.             and yards.                         advantage of a slow Monarchs start   passing, gained134 yards and threw for
          During a third quarter, the         Thomas Dale improved their     as Jarrod Mosby caught a 46-yard    two touchdowns. McNeil tallied 218
       only outburst was a Bird score that   record to 6-2, scoring a big-time   touchdown pass giving them a 10-3   all-purpose yards and two touchdowns.
       narrowed the lead to 2. Donaldson   victory. With two games left on the   lead early in the first half. The   The 3-5 Monarchs  will go on the
       would score his second touchdown   docket, they’ll play Granby at home   Monarchs would put all the pieces   road to face Petersburg before their
       of the game and add a two-point    for senior night this Friday.      together as quarterback Greg Fong-  season finale against Hopewell.
       conversion to cut the deficit.
          The fourth quarter, however,
       would belong to Monacan. A big
       defensive play by Juan Branch in
       the form of a forced fumble gave
       the Chiefs a short field, and Bridy                                                                   748-6461
       pounded the ball home for the third
       time to make it 31-22. Minutes later,                                                                12420 Jefferson Davis Highway
       Bridy took off on a 61-yard scamper                                                                           Chester, VA
       to seal the game for the Chiefs.                                                                  On the corner of Route 1 & Route 10
          The game featured two 200-yard
       rushers, Bridy finished with 203 yards
       and four touchdowns. Donaldson
       finished with 201 yards and two
       scores of his own.                        Heritage Chevrolet Congratulates
          Monacan improves to 8-0, and
       they will face Midlothian next week.
       L.C. Bird dropped to 5-3, giving them   SEPTEMBER Associates of the Month!
       their first three-loss season since
       2006. They’ll host George Wythe on
       Friday before entertaining Cosby for
       homecoming and to finish up the
       regular season.


          The Thomas Dale-Hopewell
       game was one may had marked on the
       calendar as the game of the week and
       expected to be a close battle. Thomas
       Dale refused to have any of that talk.
       They overwhelmed Hopewell with a
       strong running game and a staunch
       defensive effort, winning 41-6 in an          KEITH BLACK                 HARRY REEBENAKER                    ALEX PERRY
       unexpected blowout.
          Over the course of the season, the             SALES                         TECHNICIAN                     ASSOCIATE
       Knights' strength has been the ability
       to run the football on a consistent                  Associates ready to help you anytime!
       basis. They opened the game with
       two rushing touchdowns, one from

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