Page 9 - VillageNews10-25-2017
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       Living Safe
                                                                             when fire codes were not as stringent as   and fire extinguishers. These fire
       A fire trap                                                           they are today.  My concern is that if a   protection issues concern me, especially
                                                                                                                 due to the excessive amount of smoking
                                                                             fire does occur at this motel that there
                                                                                                                 that goes on outside of the rooms of
                                                                             is the potential for rapid fire spread
                                                                             and a greater potential for loss of life.           this motel. We all have a responsibility
       By Pete Hypes
                                                                             The question that I leave you with is:   to protect ourselves and our families
                                                                             what will you do if you find yourself   wherever we happen to go. I was not
              y wife and I just returned from   out the secondary escape route, which   in a similar situation? I have stayed in   expecting to face this as my wife and I
              an anniversary trip to Georgia.   would have required us to climb over the
      M     Our first stop, which was     wooden railing, drop to a flat roof, and   difficult places all around the globe. I   went away to celebrate our 34th wedding
                                                                             did not think that I was too picky, but
                                                                                                                 anniversary, but we did. If you are
       supposed to be our longest stay, was   get to the ground from there.   some things are just not acceptable. As   wondering, we moved from Tybee Island
       in Tybee Island, Ga. We left Chester        Our room had two different smoke   I said, we would have sought a refund,   to Savannah and stayed at B Historic,
       immediately following church on    alarms, one normal smoke alarm, and   even if the building had an alarm   a beautiful facility just outside of the
       Sunday, arriving at our motel shortly   one with a strobe in the middle. There   system, a sprinkler system, standpipes,   historic district.
       after 9 p.m. It was dark, but there were   were no smoke alarms in the exterior
       some things that concerned me even   corridors. The building did not have a
       though I could not see everything. We   sprinkler system. I did not see any fire   Paying Cash!
       checked in and went to our room. Room   extinguishers, though I cannot say that I
       number 16 to be exact. The access   looked very hard. There were also rooms
       to it was through an exterior wooden   near ours that could have trapped people   Gold, Silver, and Platinum
       stairwell. On the first landing were two   if a fire occurred in the room next door.   BUYING KENNEDY HALVES 1965 TO 1969 *CALL FOR PRICE*
       chairs with ash trays that were full of        Even if this room had had adequate
       cigarette butts. We went to our room   fire protection, we would still have sought   Village Coin is  paying top dollar for your jewelry
       down a narrow wooden corridor. The   to get a refund on our room. I will say,   and anything gold, silver, or platinum.
       room was dated, to say the least. Let me   at this point, that the manager was very                  WE BUY & SELL ALL
       say at this point, that you cannot trust   gracious and immediately refunded us for
       reviews or ratings. I went and talked   the additional days, excluding the night                         UNITED STATES
       with the person at the front desk, stating   that we had just stayed. The room was                GOLD & SILVER COINS
       that we were unhappy with our room. He   old and had areas of black tile grout in                 Licensed and Bonded. Serving the Same Location for 32Years
       told us that we would have to talk with   the shower. Since I did not test for mold,
       the manager the next morning, so we   I will leave it at that. There was a rather   Village Coin
       were stuck there for the night.    large area of tile missing from the floor in
            As I do with every new place that   front of the tub. There was also a soft area   1910 Boulevard, Colonial Heights
       we go, I looked for our primary and   of flooring in the main room. A question   (Corner of Temple Ave. & Boulevard, two story building w/maroon awnings)
       secondary exits from this room. The   that arises is: if what you can see is in that           520-4949
       only way out of this room was the   shape, what is the condition of the things
       doorway. Our primary escape route   that you cannot see?
       would be the narrow, wooden corridor        Seeing things in the daylight did not
       down the exterior stairwell. What I came   change our negative opinion. We packed
       to realize was that although this was   our things and left. I think that I now
       advertised as a non-smoking facility,   have a responsibility to talk with the   We Can Help.
       there was an ash tray on every table and   Tybee Island fire marshal or whoever
       one on practically every ledge outside   has the responsibility for fire code
       of the rooms. The stairwell landing   enforcement there. I am quite certain
                                                                               RIGHT EQUIPMENT
       concerned me so much that I sought   that this building was built in an era

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       TRAYLOR, Mrs. Geraldine Sirry, 80, of South Chesterfield, widow of J. Owen Traylor.  CONTRACTORS:  FREE ice for your
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       WINDHAM, Mr. Troy Thomas, 92, of South Chesterfield.                                                                                            OCTOBER 25,  2017  09
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