Page 7 - VillageNews10-25-2017
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       Local dentist                      food can also take part in selling the   Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.  Cookbooks cost

       sponsors cookbook                  cookbooks, allowing them the joy of also   $30 each, and 100 percent of the proceeds
                                          giving to their neighbors," said Julie. " We
                                                                             will go to the Food on the Move Program,
       for food bank                      are so blessed to have the Chesterfield Food   which includes the Kids Summer Food
                                                                             Program.  All donors who make a $500
                                          Bank in our community and are warmed to
       fundraiser                         know that tummies are full because of it.”  donation during the Give Where You
                                              The “Authentic Southern" cookbook   Live Campaign will receive a cookbook
                                          contains recipes from volunteers and staff   as the food bank's special gift of thanks.
          When Julie Ferry attended an    who work at the food bank and from   The "Authentic Southern" cookbook was
       information session held at the Chesterfield   professional chefs who contributed to the   written by Diana L’Gere, published by
       Food Bank with her mission team from   project.  A brief history of the food bank   Arabella Publishing, and sponsored by
       Chester United Methodist Church, she   is also included.  Copies can be purchased   David Ferry Dentistry.  These cookbooks
       was surprised at the volume of food that   from the Chesterfield Food Bank at 12211   will also make a great Christmas gift.
       was being distributed to so many people   Iron Bridge Road, Monday through   Order today while supplies last.
       in Chesterfield.  She had no idea that there                                                              JULIE AND DAVID FERRY
       were so many families that would go
       hungry without the food bank’s help.  So
       when the opportunity came for her and her
       husband, David, to sponsor the “Authentic   CITIZENS BANCORP OF VIRGINIA, INC
       Southern" cookbook, David’s dentistry
       business jumped at the chance to help.   ANNOUNCES ELECTION OF NEW DIRECTORS
          “We decided to contribute to the
       cookbook project at the Chesterfield Food
       Bank so that we could give back to the   Citizens Bancorp of Virginia, parent company for Citizens Bank & Trust
       community that we love and to help feed   Company (Member FDIC), is pleased  to  announce the election of  its
       the children of Chesterfield during the   newest directors, David H. Gates and Jeffrey W. Siffert.
       summer months when school lunches are
       not available,” said Julie.              David Gates, 61, is a trial attorney for CowanGates law firm in Richmond,
          The Kids Summer Food Program          Virginia and was admitted to the Virginia State Bar in 1982. David received
       completed a second successful summer
       session by providing more than 75,000 easy-   a Bachelor of Science degree from Hampden-Sydney College and went on
       to-prepare breakfast and lunch meals for 11   to pursue his Juris Doctor degree from the T.C. Williams School of Law at               5
       weeks from June through August this year.  the University of Richmond. His practice includes criminal defense,
          “Our hope is that families receiving   personal injury, civil litigation and insurance defense.

       Local restaurant                         David is a member of the Huguenot Trail Rotary Club (Midlothian), the
       asking guests to                         Farmville  Chamber  of  Commerce,  the  Chesterfield  County  Bar
                                                                                                                     DAVID GATES
       join them in                             Association, and the Criminal Section of the Virginia State Bar.  Mr. Gates is
                                                a native of Chesterfield County and currently resides in Farmville with his wife, Mary Kay Gates.
       support of military
       families                                                           Jeffrey  Siffert,  52,  is  the  General  Manager  of  Operations  and  Business
                                                                          Development  for The Wauford  Group  in  Chester, Virginia. The Wauford
                                                                          Group is a unique resource for emerging and  established  companies
                                                                          operating in the industrial manufacturing sector and related industries.

                                                                          Jeffrey is a 1989 graduate of Elon University, located  in Elon, North
                                                                          Carolina,  where  he  received  a  Bachelor  of  Science  degree  in  Business
                                                                          Administration and Marketing. Jeffrey is an executive committee member
          Chester O’Charley’s is inviting the                             of Chamber RVA, the chair-elect of Chamber RVA Chesterfield and the
       community to give back to military families                        Chair of CTE Advisory Committee for Chesterfield Public Schools.
       with the announcement of the return of
       their partnership with the Folded Flag                             Mr. Siffert is a native of South Boston, Virginia and currently resides in
       Foundation, which provides scholarships                            Chesterfield County with his wife Pam Siffert, and their two daughters,
       and educational grants to families of fallen   JEFFREY SIFFERT
       soldiers. In advance of Veterans Day this                          Courtney and Tiffany.
       year, the Chester location-- along with 200-
       plus other locations across the country-- is   The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors nominated Mr.
       calling on guests to join in raising money   Gates and Mr. Siffert after careful consideration of their qualifications in meeting the requirements
       for military families by donating $5 to the   detailed in the Company’s Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee Charter. The Board of
       Folded Flag Foundation on their individual   Directors also determined that their community involvement and business affiliations would serve to
       bills now through Sunday, Oct. 29. Guests   enhance the Bank’s representation throughout the communities it serves.
       will receive a $5 O’Charley’s voucher as a
       "thank you" for their generosity.
          One hundred percent of donations
       given to the Folded Flag Foundation go
       directly to families of U.S. soldiers who
       have died during combat operations, in
       the form of scholarships and educational
       grants.                                                                                              OCTOBER 25, 2017  07
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