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                                                                                                                Jessup Road closed
        Chesterfield celebrates                                                                                 from Route 10 to

        centennial of Historic Courthouse                                                                       Pineland Road
                                                                                                                beginning Oct. 23

            CHESTERFIELD — Ches-           S. Neill, Battalion Commander of
        terfield County will celebrate the   Fort Lee’s 266th Quartermaster Bat-                                Road closure
        100th anniversary of the Historic   talion. A reenactment of the first day                              will last up to 30 days
        1917 Courthouse. This special event   of court, on May 13, 1918 will be                                 CHESTERFIELD — Beginning on
        commemorates the day the corner-   held, and retired Chesterfield County                                Monday, Oct. 23, weather permitting,
        stone for the courthouse was laid   Administrator Lane B. Ramsey will                                   Jessup Road from Route 10 to Pineland
        in 1917. The courthouse sits on the   be the keynote speaker.                                           Road will be closed to through traffic and
        footprint of the original 1749 colo-  After the ceremony, participants                                  will remain closed for up to 30 days.
        nial courthouse, which was de-        can take advantage of a rare op-                                       Jessup Road traffic will be detoured
        molished in 1916 and replaced          portunity to tour the Historic                                   using Turner Road, Belmont Road,
        with the current courthouse.            1917 Courthouse, which is                                       Chippenham Parkway, and Route 10 (see
        On Thursday, Oct. 26, 2                 still a working courthouse 100                                  map at left). Detour signs will be installed
        p.m., that anniversary                   years later. They can also see                                 along the detour route. Electronic message
        will be celebrated at the                the original 1749 courthouse                                   boards have been installed on Route 10
        historic courthouse located              bell, the oldest historic ar-                                  and Jessup Road to alert motorists.
        at 10011 Iron Bridge Road,              tifact in Chesterfield County   as one of the 32 new cantonments to    The road closure is due to a
        Chesterfield.                               which is on permanent    train the burgeoning Army following   Chesterfield County Transportation
             The court-                                  display in the Coun-  the declaration of war April 6.  In   Department project to reconstruct Jessup
        house bell will                                   ty Museum along    June, the Fort Lee Centennial Ex-  Road to eliminate the substandard curves
        ring 100 times                                    with an exhibit    hibit, Mobilizing for War, opened in   at the creek.
        just before 2                                      entitled, “Ringing   Chesterfield County’s Historic 1892
        p.m. to open                                       in the Courthouse   Jail. This exhibit commemorates the
        the ceremony,                                      Centennial.” This   establishment of Camp Lee, later
        which in-                                           bell hung in the   Fort Lee, as part of the mobilization   BARD meeting
        cludes music                                        cupola over the   efforts of the U.S. Army for World
        from Fort                                           courthouse until   War I, and its current status as the   Saturday
        Lee’s 392nd                                          it was removed   center of logistical sustainment for
        Army Band,                                           last year. It was   the U.S. Army. The Fort Lee exhibit   Community group Bermuda  Ad-
        WRIC-TV                                               restored and   will be on display until November   vocates for Responsible Development
        news an-                                              preserved this   2018.                            (BARD) invites and encourages citi-
        chor Juan                                             spring, and a      The Historic 1917 Courthouse is   zens to attend the public meeting Sat-
        Conde                                                 replacement    a Chesterfield County Historic Land-  urday, October 28 (rain date Sunday,
        acting as the master of ceremonies,   bell, made in 1860, has been in-  mark, and a Virginia Historic Land-  Oct. 29), 3 p.m., outside at BARD
        remarks from George “Buddy”        stalled in the courthouse cupola.  mark, it is  on the National Register   member Brad Wall’s house in his front
        Cranford and Liess van der Lin-        The county is partnering with   of Historic Places.              yard,  15400  Harrowgate  Road,  Ches-
        den-Brusse of the Chesterfield     Fort Lee for this event, since this is   For more information, visit   ter. It is the big white house across
        Historical Society of Virginia, and   also Fort Lee’s 100th anniversary.  from Harrowgate Elementary School ,
        further remarks from Lt. Col.  Brian   Camp Lee was established in 1917   house.                        both proposed to be demolished.

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