Page 6 - VillageNews10-25-2017
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Recipes support
church's missions
Those in search of yummy comfort In addition to the secret ingredient,
food were in for a tasty treat Saturday as the Poole also mentioned that at the bottom
Trinity United Methodist Church held their of each pot are five silver dollars, which
Apple Butter and Brunswick Stew event. prevent the mix from sticking. Poole said
Previous years saw the church selling their the church started making and selling
stew and apple butter on different weekends apple butter in 1988 after they were trying
however this year, they decided to do it all to decide how to sponsor a family for
on one day in conjunction with their annual Christmas.
pumpkin patch. “One year we were trying to figure
Karen Poole, who is known out what we could do to raise some money
affectionately as the Apple Butter Queen to sponsor a Christmas family and I said,
and is the treasurer of the fellowship class ‘Well, my family always makes apple butter,
at the church, said the apple butter tradition that was kind of fun, Of course, when I was
has been in her family for a long time and a kid, I didn’t pay much attention because
the church has been doing it for a sizeable I was a teenager and I had other things I TIM RUXTON, JOHN MORRIS, RICHARD MAITLAND, AND MARY PALMER TAKE TURNS
fraction. wanted to do;" Poole said. "And now all of STIRRING THE BRUNSWICK STEW.
“We’ve been making apple butter for a sudden, I’m in charge, but I said, ‘I think “We normally prepare about 600 made from the event will go to the
27 years now. The recipe actually came we can do apple butter, yeah that sounds quarts, [There are] two big pots and 75 different mission projects in the church.
from my family back in the early 1900s, like a good idea,’ and that was 27 years gallons of peas, and what I cook is about “We use the money [from] this for
and we have to use copper kettles because ago.” 170 lbs. of chicken, 50 lbs. of beef [and] different mission projects in the church,”
it’s fruit and we have to stir all day long,” If there is a queen, there must be about 300 lbs. of potatoes, and all the Poole said. “We help needy families,
Poole said. “We started last night with 12 a king, and Poole said John Morris is vegetables,” Morris said. “That’s basically we’re working with people on Jefferson
bushels of apples, made apple sauce last the Brunswick Stew King. Morris has what we do, and we normally sell out. I Davis Highway, we always have a couple
night, so now we’re cooking the apple sauce been a member of Trinity United since normally have pre-sales of somewhere [of] Christmas families, [and] we work
[and] we’ll add sugar in about an hour, but 2002, and he took over the stew duties around 300.” with the battered women’s shelter in
the secret ingredient is cinnamon hearts … from Ed Hazzard. Morris discussed the Both Poole and Morris said they Petersburg, so the money from this goes
it gives it a zing.” ingredients and preparation of the stew. expect a huge turnout and that the money for our various projects during the year.”
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