Page 4 - VillageNews10-25-2017
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YOUR LIFE                                                      Engagement Announcement


       Area woman named

       Mountaineers' homecoming queen

          A week of homecoming activities
       at West Virginia University culminated
       Oct. 14 with the crowning of Morgan
       Cunningham and Charlie Hageboeck as
       the 2017 king and queen.
          The announcement was made during
       the half-time ceremony at Saturday’s
       homecoming football game against Texas
          Selected by their peers during
       two days of voting, Cunningham
       and Hageboeck were surrounded by
       members of the Homecoming Court, the
       Mountaineer Marching Band along with
       the Alumni Marching Band, and tens of
       thousands of cheering fans – including
       alumni – who striped Milan Puskar
       Stadium in gold and blue.
          Cunningham, a member of the                                                           Frederick and Kendall
       Honors College, is a senior chemical
       engineering major from North Chesterfield                                  Mr. Tony Sanders and Mrs. Shelly Sanders along with Mr. Rick Molter,
       minoring in business administration. She                                all of Chester, Va. are pleased to announce the engagement of their children,
       serves as the Panhellenic vice president                                Kendall and Frederick.  Frederick is the son of the late Beth Molter.
       of education and as vice president of the                                  Kendall graduated from Longwood University earning her degree in Psy-
       American Institute of Chemical Engineers.   MORGAN CUNNINGHAM           chology and is currently the Student Accounts Coordinator for ECPI University.
       She is a member of the Society of Women
       Engineers, Omega Chi Epsilon, and   She is sponsored by Chi Omega sorority.  Frederick is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University earning his
       Chi Omega Direction of Friendship.     Morgan grew up in the Meadowbrook   degree in Environmental Studies and is the Director of Safety for Insulation
       Cunningham is the recipient of the WVU   area and attended the Math and Science   Specialties, Inc.
       Academic Excellence Scholarship and   Center at Clover Hill High School. She   The wedding is planned for May of 2018 in Chesterfield, Va.
       the Statler College of Engineering and   is the daughter of Tina and Eric
       Mineral Resource Academic Scholarship.   Cunningham.

          Steak & Ribs & a Baked Potato Bar

                               all for $  10    95

                                                                                    Date: Sat., Oct. 29     ~    Time: 2 -4 PM
                                                                                  Date: Sat., Oct. 28     -      Time: 2 - 4 p.m.                     Date: Sat., Oct. 29    ~    Time: 2 -4 PM
                                                                                       Sponsored by God’s Storehouse Baptist                            Sponsored by God’s Storehouse Baptist
                                                                                        Location: Church Park Area / Pavilion                             Location: Church Park Area / Pavilion
                                                                                              Address:  5007 Jessup Road                                       Address:  5007 Jessup Road
                                                                                                  (Location: Behind Church)
                                                                                                                                                                   (Location: Behind Church)
                                                                                            ~ Join in on everything ~                                        ~ Join in on everything ~
                                                                                             Fun-filled & Safe Annual Outreach! .                             Fun-filled & Safe Annual Outreach! .

                                                                                      Games (Cake Walk, 3 legged bag race, Egg / Spoon                 Games (Cake Walk, 3 legged bag race, Egg / Spoon
                                                                                       Race, Obstacle Course, Bean Bag Toss, Pick-A-Duck)                Race, Obstacle Course, Bean Bag Toss, Pick-A-Duck)

                                                                                          Activities (Balloon Animals, Face-Painting,                      Activities (Balloon Animals, Face-Painting,
           ALSO ON THE MENU - KING’S KORNER FAMOUS FRIED CHICKEN                                  Pumpkin Decorating/ Painting,                                                        Pumpkin Decorating/ Painting,
                                                                                              Spin Game - Gift give-a-ways, Photo’s)
          Friday Night is Seafood Bar Night with all you can eat fried                                                                                          Spin Game - Gift give-a-ways, Photo’s)
        oysters, spiced shrimp, fried shrimp and baked and fried fish.                    Food (Hot dogs on grill, chips, drinks & candy)
                                                                                                                                                           Food (Hot dogs on grill, chips, drinks & candy)
               King’s Korner                                                               Please Bring/Invite Children To Come!
                                                                                                                                                             Please Bring/Invite Children To Come!
                                                                                                       For Information:
                                                                                                    Telephone No. 743-7425                                              For Information:
         7511 Airfield Drive, Richmond 23237 (In the Chesterfield Co. Airport)  743-9333                                                                             Telephone No. 743-7425
                           Catering: 271-0033   |
               Buffet from Monday to Friday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. is $8.50 per person. Friday and Saturday dinner buffet from
                  5 p.m. to 9 p.m. is $10.95 per person. Drinks are $1.99. Sunday Brunch from 10-:30-2:30 is $9.95

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