Page 5 - VillageNews10-25-2017
P. 5 Make someone’s day
EXTRA fruitful
Mixing Bowl 11400 Jefferson Davis Hwy.
Camping Chester, Va.
Monday & Wednesday
11400 Jefferson Davis Hwy.
Chester Va.
By Gena Lashley 1p.m. to-10 p.m.
$2 per game per person
Kids Summer Special
few weekends ago, I embarked on but it was the middle of the night, and I was (Ages 5-16) Delivery or Pick-Up
$2 shoe rental
an adventure with my sweet girl. scared to death! Monday, Thursday, Friday 1 to 6pm.
Bowl 2 games and shoes
A We went on a camping trip with I made myself get out of my tent Holiday Bowl also does Birthday CALL TO ORDER
for just $6.
her Girl Scout troop. I will be honest with and look around with my flashlight. After Parties, Church and Company Outings. 804-748-7025
June 1 – September 3
you: I was not looking forward to going. I another trip to the bathroom, I got back in Not valid November 22 because of 12760 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Chester
had been camping a few times in my life, the tent, settled in, and finally slept for a Bowling Tournament. Breckenridge Shopping Center • 804-748-7025
Ends December 27,2017
but never as an adult with creaky knees and solid two hours before the sun rose. I was so Bring your Kids Bowling. 11124 Hull Street Rd., Midlothian
hips. I borrowed a tent, and some sleeping proud of myself for making it through the Genito Crossing Shopping Center • 804-744-9006
got storm damage?
got storm damage?
bags, and off we went to the Blue Ridge night! That morning, a few other mothers
Mountains. came over and asked if I had heard the SAVE ENERGY! SLASH FUEL BILLS!
The drive up was beautiful; there is howling. Apparently I wasn’t the only one REDUCE OUTSIDE NOISE!
nothing like the gently rolling mountains frozen with fear in a tent that night! We
of Virginia. We arrived at our campsite, laughed about it as we had a wonderful We specialize in exterior home remodeling!
and unloaded all of our gear. It was like we breakfast of drip coffee, bacon, eggs, and Your property may have damage from recent storms.
were moving in for the next month, not just many other options, all prepared by the Call today for a FREE storm damage assessment.
two days. I took my beach buggy to help girls. Eating outside around the fire on a • Locally owned & operated
haul all of our stuff into the woods and to crisp morning in the woods is one of my • Highest quality materials
our assigned site. After checking out the favorite things now. After breakfast, we all
bathroom situation (all you mamas know went to Carter Mountain to pick apples, and • Exterior remodeling services
the importance of that), I realized quickly the day was pretty perfect. • Fast, reliable service
that I did not want to have to get up in the Despite my misgivings about camping • Fully licensed & insured
night and trek up to the toilets. After getting and my fear from the howling animals, I 804-520-9791
our site set up and our tent very cozy, I have been bitten by the camping bug. I have Free Estimates • No Obligation
took my sweet flower to grab some supper already been looking at a family size tent Locally Owned & Operated Since 1998
Locally Owned & Operated
(Friday nights you are on your own for for the Lashleys, and I can’t wait for our
supper). We enjoyed some very good BBQ next adventure! Storm Damage Restoration • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Gutters
on the restaurant's porch looking out over
the mountains. It was beautiful.
As we made our way back to camp,
it began to get dark. Flashlights in hand,
we made our way down to our site and Alzheimer’s
realized we had a bit of time before the Girl
Scouts were ready for their campfire. My
girl and I got all snug in our tent and played Specialty Center
cards by the light of our lantern. We then
made our way through the woods to the
leader’s campsite and settled in to enjoy the
campfire, s’mores, and scary stories. It was
a very nice night.
We left the campfire and trekked up to
the bathrooms to brush our teeth and potty
before bed. It was well after 10 p.m. at this
point, and my girl was getting sleepy. We
went back to the tent and got comfortable.
We did shadow puppets on the walls, and
I told her a story until she fell asleep. All
should have been well. But, I could not
sleep for the life of me. Every twig snap
brought me awake full force with adrenaline Preparing for the Holidays
pumping through my veins. I knew by
midnight that it was going to be a LONG
night for Mama. Wednesday, Nov. 15th 6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Of course I'd drunk sweet tea with my
supper that night, so off I had to go to the
bathroom multiple times in the night. I was Sunflower Gardens cutting-edge Alzheimer’s Specialty Center
not a “happy camper.” Around 3:30 a.m., I
was starting to doze off when I heard eerie is designed with neighborhoods around a town center – giving residents with
howling in the distance. My hair stood up, Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia the chance to live normal lives.
goosebumps appeared, and my eyes were
wide open. I was frozen with fear in my “Come take a walk through town with us”
sleeping bag. I had not even thought about Reservations and Deposits are now being taken
wolves or coyotes! I could just picture one 5305 Plaza Drive Prince George, VA 23860 804-452-5000
slinking around my tent ready to attack at
any moment. I know this is highly unlikely, OCTOBER 25, 2017 05