Page 10 - VillageNews10-25-2017
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       Arts in the Schools
       New theater teachers bring passion in

       county schools

          Each year, theater and drama         Since the drama club hasn’t   what is important to them.”
       teachers bring new experiences to   formed yet, Butela and the group
       their students and audiences alike,   will make a decision about their play   Matoaca Middle School –
       sharing thrill and adventure through   in the spring and do it together. “I
       the arts. They showcase plays,     want my students to have input on   Eden DiMarco
       develop love for the arts in students   the first play we do here,” she said.
       and many other life skills.        “The students, I want them to have as   Eden DiMarco was a godsend
          Meet two Chesterfield County    much say as possible in the creative   for Matoaca Middle School when
       teachers that bring their talents to two   process, so we haven’t set our play in   they were looking for a new drama
       neighborhood middle schools with   stone yet.”                        teacher for their arts program. An
       their own flair and commitment to       Butela smiles a lot as she    administrator shared that they were
       theater and drama. Each is in her first   works with the students and shares   delighted to have her there.
       year as a drama teacher in the area.  guidance on how to perform or make   DiMarco has been teaching
                                          a dramatic reading stronger. “My   Theater Arts for six years now, and
       Falling Creek Middle               reward is watching the transformation   this is her first year teaching drama
                                          that students go through as they   and theater at Matoaca Middle.
       School – Shelley Butela            learn to harness their creativity,”   “I have a Fine Arts degree from
                                          she explained. “Drama challenges   Virginia Commonwealth University,”
             Right now, Shelley Butela has her   students to rethink their perceptions   she shared. “I have participated
       drama students working on dramatic   of the world around them; it     in community theaters throughout
       writing. Some of the students made   challenges them to look within and   Richmond as an actor, director, and in
       speeches on suicide and immigration;    fosters tolerance and empathy for   various design, technical, and support                         PHOTOS BY MELISSA WILFONG
       certainly these are important topics   others and for themselves personally.”  roles for more than 12 years.”
       in everyday life. She tells them to      She feels they learn about more   She and her students enjoy the
       enunciate and project. Shelley Butela   than just drama – they learn English   magic of drama. They can be found
       talks with her hands as she repeats,   and history and about life. “They   in big circles dramatically portraying   MATOACA MIDDLE SCHOOL’S DRAMA
                                                                                                                 TEACHER EDEN DI MARCO.
       “Speak loud, speak clear.”         learn about history and the cultural   scenes from a reading. The students
            This is Butela’s first year working   impact art can have on our world,”   enjoy cutting up and laughing as they       OPEN
       at Falling Creek Middle School, and   she shared. “Watching students as   play out their scenes.
       she’s pretty excited to be there. “We   they explore their strengths and   “I am so grateful to be in a                  MON. - SAT.
       are currently working on starting a   grow as creative individuals capable   position where I can support and            8 AM - 5 PM
       drama club here at the school,” she   of expressing themselves is truly   encourage young people to be their
       said. Butela splits her time between   magical.”                      best possible selves,” DiMarco said.     DOUBLE & TRIPLE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH
       Falling Creek Middle School and         Butela started acting at an early   “I am so thankful for this position to   DYED MULCH (Red, Brown, Black)
                                                                                                                       Playground Chips • Compost • Gravel & Sand
       Tomahawk Middle, so she keeps very   age. She believes in theater’s power.   be a positive influence on my students    Georgia Pine Straw/ $ 5 98  per bale • Wheat Straw/$5 50  per bale
       busy.                              “I believe in the magic and power   as well as to learn and grow myself      Double Shredded
             Butela is not new to teaching; she   of theater. It’s vitally important, and   through interactions with them.  HARDWOOD MULCH
       previously taught fourth grade before   research shows integrating drama and   This year, Matoaca Middle will   Only  $      Delivered
       becoming a drama and theater teacher.   arts in public education is beneficial,”   put on two plays. The first one,   160 $25 each add’l. yard
                                                                                                                                     4 yard minimum/
       She has a fine arts degree in theater from   she said. “Drama provides an   opening in December, called “Orange
       San Francisco State and her Master’s   opportunity for students to think   is the New Glass” by Tyler Dwiggins.       Dyed
       with a teaching degree from Salem   critically… and express themselves   The second show will be a musical   RED, BROWN, BLACK
       College.                           using their voice to speak out about   opening in the spring, “Aladdin.”      Only  $ 175  Delivered
                                                                                                                                    4 yard minimum/
                                                                                 DiMarco is a bubbly, energetic,           Includes Tax & Delivery
                                                                                                                                   $31 each add’l. yard
                                                                             and enthusiastic teacher who is happy
                                                                             to be in her new role. “The thing I   TOPSOIL/COMPOST BLEND
                                                                             most treasure is watching someone       4 YARDS $170   •  8 YARDS $250
                                                                             grow as a person,” she shared. “When   12 YARDS $330  • 18 YARDS $450
                                                                                                                            Includes Tax & Delivery
                                                                             you see a young person become more
                                                                             assured and confident in their unique
                                                                             self, it is a magical thing.”
                                                                                 She believes drama helps with
                                                                             life experiences. “Knowing they
                                                                             will carry the knowledge rooted     For your fall re-seeding  have
                                                                             within themselves for the rest of    organic compost blown in!
                                                                             their lives,,” she emphasized.  “that
                                                                             they can reach down and take hold      J. B. MULCH
                                                                             of a strength that they have built for
                                                                             themselves through creative self-           11395 Chester Rd.
                                                                             expression, is magical.”                      796-5065
                                                                                                                           WE ALSO CARRY
                                                                                                                           Mixed Load Rich
                                                                                                                        TOPSOIL & COMPOST &
       EXPRESSIONS WITH A STUDENT.                                                                         
       10 OCTOBER 25, 2017                                                                                    
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