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SEPTEMBER 20, 2017 XX NO.5

              Village      News


                                             EAST WEST   HARROWGATE RD
                                                                             ROAD PUTS


                                                                             ON THEIR BACKS

       MOVE BEFORE THEY HAVE TO BECAUSE OF THEIR SCHOOL BEING DIRECTLY IMPACT-  community meetings on the issue of the   Jordan said, “I told him the road
       ED BY THE THOROGHFARE ROAD. THE SCHOOL WOULD BE RAZED AND A NEW ONE   site starting on Wednesday, Sept. 20, this   should go by the Governor, Cox, and
                                                                             week.                               Jaeckle, he laughed, but I think he got
                                                                                 “The East-West Freeway has been   my point. He said the plan I have is
       BY MARK FAUSZ                                                         on the thoroughfare plan for, I believe,   pretty much what it will be.”
           It’s a split decision: the 1,675   of the road impact, we will be building   30 years,” Jaeckle said. “Personally, I
       proposed Megasite in Chester is liked   a replacement elementary school. The   think we should never be allowed to   COMMUNITY MEETINGS
       by some, but not so much by others.   preferred location is at Harrowgate Park,   identify a thoroughfare without starting
       And that also depends entirely on where   immediately adjacent to Carver Middle   the process of purchasing land in that   Rezoning of 1,675 Acres Between
       people have put down roots.        School.”                           thoroughfare as properties go up for   Branders Bridge Road and Bradley
           Chesterfield County Public Schools   The megasite is in the planning   sale.  Right before HH Hunt pulled out   Bridge Road
       held a meeting on Thursday last week   stages, it is intended to be located along   of Branner Station, they were about to
       September 14. Carrie Coyner, Bermuda   Branders Bridge Road, and you have   present a road design with the affected   Wednesday, September 20, 7:00
       School Board Member, extended      heard already about the Economic   properties identified.  Unfortunately for   - 9:00 p.m.
       Harrowgate Elementary School’s back   Development Department rezoning   us, they did not turn that information
       to school night to cover the issue of the   the noted megasite using 1,000 acres   over to the county.   If we had that   Carver Middle School - Cafeteria
       East-West Freeway.                 and setting aside 700 acres for buffers.   and had been able to start purchasing   3800 Cougar Trail
           “The meeting went well,” Coyner   The entire properties would be rezoned   properties back then, we would have
       told the Village News. “We announced   through Chesterfield County’s planning   had ten years of right-of-way purchase   Monday, October 2, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
       that Harrowgate Elementary School   and zoning process, with the final   accomplished.
       is directly impacted by the preferred   approval coming from the Board of   The Clover Hill Supervisor,    Second Baptist Church -
       location of the new thoroughfare   Supervisors. Dorothy Jaeckle is the   when asked his opinion by the Times-  Fellowship Hall
       road.  Harrowgate was slated for a   Bermuda Supervisor and Chairman of   Dispatch, offered a “no comment.”  5100 West Hundred Road
       major renovation from the 2013 Bond   the Board and she will be responsible   The properties that make up the
       Referendum; therefore, with this news   for the Bermuda vote. She will have   nearly 1,700 acres are made of four   Tuesday, October 3, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
                                                                             individual properties. All but one 125-  The Heights Baptist Church -
                                                                             acre parcel is zoned commercial.     Youth Auditorium
           16 YEARS AND COUNTING                                             made, the request would be to change   17201 Jefferson Davis Highway
                                                                                 When the rezoning application is

                                                                             the current zoning, agriculture, to an   South Chesterfield, VA  23834
                                                                             Industrial/Office Use, which is one of   Tuesday, October 3, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
                                                                             the most intense uses.               Carver College & Career Academy
                                                                                 Two residents on Harrowgate Road   -  Library
                                                                             have been in touch with Chesterfield’s
                                                                             transportation department. A Mr. Walls,   12400 Branders Bridge Road
                                                                             who lives directly opposite Harrowgate
                                                                             Elementary, took a plan he obtained and   For more information visit:
                                                                             took it to his neighbor Nicole Jordan,
                                                                             who told the Village News that she
                                                                             immediately called the transportation to   (804) 426-3694
          FULL COVERAGE BEGINS ON PAGE 9                                     get a better idea of what was going on.

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