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Faculty News Asst. Prof Omri Ram Unwavering Educational Excellence
Establishes New Lab
Excelling Faculty of Mechanical Engineering professors
Expanding The faculty has gained a new continue to be counted among the elite ranks of Technion
member: following his post-doctoral research professors: three of them recently earned top rankings
at Johns Hopkins University (where he studied
transient phenomena in multiphase flow), in the “lecturers' survey”, our student
Asst. Prof Omri Ram will take charge of the new feedback questionnaire. Assoc. Prof.
Transient Flow Laboratory now being established. Yizhar Or and Assoc. Prof. Moran
Bercovici were awarded “outstanding
The lab will study transient excellence” (ranked in the top four
flow phenomena in gases percent for their courses “Introduction to
and liquids, including those Linear Systems” and “Fluid Mechanics
involving high accelerations or 1”, respectively); and Dr. Meir Brand was
rapid phase changes. Research awarded “excellence” (ranked in the top
in this field has numerous 12 percent for his course “Mechanical
practical applications, including Engineering Design 1”).
industrial (the formation and movement of “Hybrid learning meant that the past
bubbles in flow, solid-fluid interaction, flow semester required increased efforts
with solids), ecological (the formation of mist on the part of the professors, and
in a marine environment, discharge of aerosol I’m pleased that this investment was
contaminants from the petrochemical industry), reflected in the feedback,” says Assoc.
and medical (extracting cell components, shock Prof. Or. “I’d like to thank the students
wave lithotripsy, and more). One complex for their detailed notes and enthusiastic
challenge presented by research in the field is support. I enjoy teaching very much,
analytically describing systems with more than and after several lockdowns and countless streamed
one phase. To address this challenge, the lab or recorded lectures, I was thrilled to stand in front of a
will apply innovative technologies such as rapid full classroom again and interact with curious, focused
simultaneous photography with multiple cameras students. We have been given a golden opportunity to
and high frequency pressure measurements. return almost fully to in-classroom learning, and I suggest
Omri, who completed all three of his degrees at that everyone take advantage of it. Remember that each
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, is married to course is a thread in the strong fabric of practical and
Gali and father to five-year-old Talia. academic knowledge that we are weaving. Everything
is connected, everything is relevant, and everything is
practical – just come and learn.”
Orientation day at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – celebrating academics with our new students. Here’s to new
6 | MEgazine | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering