Page 7 - ME-06-E
P. 7

In red shirts: Moanes Omary (right) and Tal Lipshitz

Technion Wins Israel’s First
Formula Student Competition!

Winning Start your engines! The             was the largest team the Technion has        An Olympic Visit
Technion's team, lead by the Faculty of     ever sent to the competition, with more
Mechanical Engineering and supervised       than 55 students from several different      Research A special guest at
by Assoc. Prof. Leonid Tartakovsky, has     faculties. The team was led by Moanes        Prof. Alon Wolf’s Biorobotics
won the first ever edition of the Formula   Omary, a master’s student in the Faculty of  and Biomechanics Lab:
Student competition in Israel. Formula      Mechanical Engineering.                      Olympic sprinter Diana
Student is an engineering competition       “After two years of not being able to take   Vaisman, who competed in
organized by the international Society of   part in the competition in Europe due        the preliminary heat for the
Automotive Engineers (SAE International).   to the pandemic, we decided to bring         women’s 100m in Tokyo,
Each team in the competition acts as the    it to Israel,” says Omary, who has been      participated in testing
manufacturer of a Formula-style single-     participating for three years – first as     conducted at the Olympic
seater race car, focusing on the many       a volunteer driver, then as the head of      Sports Research Center. The
different aspects of production: designing  the engine team, and now as the team         Olympic Sports Research
the car, financial planning, choosing       leader. “This is a unique and adrenaline-    Center was established by the
manufacturing methods, and testing          filled motorsport event that combines        faculty in partnership with
performance in races.                       engineering thought processes and            the Elite Sports Department
In the competition, held in October at the  tech applications. We believe that it will   (the professional arm of the
MotorCity Motorpark Racing Circuit in Beer  directly impact the automotive industry      Olympic Committee of Israel)
Sheva, the Technion’s team outperformed     in Israel and encourage local investors      and conducts applied research
rival teams from Tel Aviv University and    and companies to develop vehicles and        to advance Olympic sports in
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. This    additional products in the field.”           Israel.

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