Page 23 - annual report 2023
P. 23

CNN and              A fter the outbreak of war on October 7, Shomrim published
Shomrim: Two               two investigations in cooperation with CNN. The first
Investigative        revealed how Qatar transferred millions of dollars to the
Stories Following    terrorist organization Hamas with the knowledge and consent
the Money            of the Israeli government.
to Hamas             The second investigation exposed Hamas financier Abdelbasit
                     Hamza. Following the terrorist attack on October 7, the United
Uri Blau             States announced Hamza’s inclusion on its sanctions list. Despite
                     this, the joint investigation by Shomrim and CNN revealed that
                     Hamza continued to own properties and companies in Europe and
                     conduct business, including in Spain and Cyprus. Subsequently,
                     the Cypriot government announced it would investigate the

Screenshot from CNN

                     matter. Additionally, the United States government offered
                     a monetary reward of $10 million for information on Hamza’s
                     activities. In Israel, the investigation garnered widespread
                     attention and was published in outlets such as Calcalist, Times
                     of Israel, Mako, The Marker, Ynet, and Kan 11.

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