Page 22 - annual report 2023
P. 22


  “Given the multiple crises we are living through,
  investigative journalism is all the more important.”

   Arianna Huffington

I n 2023, Shomrim took a significant leap forward in the
         international arena, with a number of high-profile and
         impactful collaborations. Shomrim continues to be the
         only Israeli media organization that is a member of the
         International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
   (ICIJ), Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project
   (OCCRP) and European Investigative Collaborations (EIC). This
   year, Shomrim’s stories were published, among others, in the
   Washington Post, AP, CNN, Der Spiegel (Germany), Le Sior
   (France), Reportes United (Greece), NRC (Netherlands) and
   Expresso (Portugal).

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