Page 24 - annual report 2023
P. 24

International Collaborations

In Old Feel-              D uring a state visit to Israel in 2005, Putin encountered an
Good Story, Putin               elderly Jewish widow from Russia who had been one of his
Bought Teacher            teachers in high school. After a brief reunion, the Russian leader
an Apartment.             allegedly arranged to purchase a $208,000 apartment for her.
He Didn’t.                In a collaborative investigation involving Shomrim, the ICIJ,
                          and the Washington Post, financial documents were revealed
Uri Blau                  indicating that the funds for the apartment’s purchase were
                          transferred from the bank account of a company owned by
   Russian President      Roman Abramovich. Abramovich, a Russian oligarch with Israeli
   Vladimir Putin meets   citizenship, has long denied any financial ties to the Kremlin and
   with Roman Abramovich  managed to evade sanctions and restrictions until the invasion
   in Moscow in 2005.     of Ukraine. Now, it appears that a company under his ownership
    Photo by: Reuters     transferred approximately a quarter of a million dollars to a cause
                          personally significant to Putin. The investigation uncovered
                          both direct and indirect connections between Putin and various
                          In addition to the groundbreaking joint publication with the
                          Washington Post, this story was covered by leading economic
                          newspapers The Marker and Calcalist, as well as Ynet, Mako,
                          and N12.

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