Page 24 - Let's Practice NUTRI-LIVING TAI CHI Excercises
P. 24

Thaùi-Cöïc döôõng sinh                                             Ñoã Quang-Vinh

               VI- Rubbing clouds

                       Twist the waist along the same side of the front leg.
               If the front leg is the right one, you are twisting clockwise
               your waist along that side and vice versa.

               A- Right Rubbing Clouds:

               This  is  twisting  waist  clockwise  whose  the  right  leg  is  in
                       1- You are in the “Pushing forward & Pulling Hands
               back” of the “Climbing Mountain Stance” (Fig. 1).

                              * Open the  right toes, the back sole sticking                  (1)                           (2)
               to the ground, bend the back knee on the “Four-Six Stance”,
               keep the right heel as axis while twisting clockwise only the
               waist,  therefore  the  two  arms  as  well  as  the  right  toes
               automatically  draw  an  arch  along  the  twisting  waist  with
               two  palms opened facing the right side. With this motion,
               the  practitioner  is  seemingly  rubbing  the  clouds,  or  more
               pragmatically, rubbing the film of oil on the river’s surface of
               water along the arch around to the right side (Fig. 2).

                              * The body’s plan will face towards the East.
               At  this  position,  after  finishing  drawing  the  arch  of  a

               quadrant  (Fig.  3),  the  two  arms  continue  its  itinerary  to
               complete  its  half  circle,  and  then  draw  back  to  the  waist
               (Fig. 4).
                                                                                                            (3)                           (4)
                              *  Remember  that,  during  the  practice,  your
               vision must always follow the direction of your arms’ move.

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