Page 29 - Let's Practice NUTRI-LIVING TAI CHI Excercises
P. 29

Thaùi-Cöïc döôõng sinh                                             Ñoã Quang-Vinh

               VIII- Mustang Ruffles Mane (part 1)
               Or Left Parting the Wild Horse’s Mane (part 1)
                       Start from the “False Stance” standing on right knee
               with the left foot on tiptoe, facing the North; basically move
               along Cat’s Paces.

               1- Left Mustang Ruffles its Mane:
                   a-  Embrace  the  ball  with  both  arms,  the  right  arm  is
               upper, the left one is below to support it, so evidently, two        (1)                       (2)                       (3)
               palms face each other (1).
                   b- Bend the right knee. Drop naturally (loosing) the left
               heel back so that the left toes aiming the West-North and
               two heels forming a 45 degree-angle (the left toes are, thus,
               on the straight line joining the middle point of the right foot
               at the distance of shoulder width). Twist the waist counter-
               clockwise  around  the  left  heel  as  pivot  an  angle  of  45
               degree,  next  press  its  toes  and  do the same for the right
               foot  in  order  to  form the  “Left Climbing Mountain” Stance
               (so, in this stance, the right leg becoming now the rear, is
               stretching out, and the left leg becoming now as the front                (4)                  (5)                     (6)
               one, is rather obliquely perpendicular to the ground)  .
                   c-  During  this  twisting,  pull  up  and  down  both  hands
               contrariwise  each  other  along  its  diagonal  itinerary  (to  do
               this,  both  palms  facing  oppositely,  the  left  one  below  the
               upper, is pulled up straightly and obliquely, while the right
               one is drawn back the same way forming as a straight chop
               backwards along the above diagonal itinerary (2-7).
                   This move of both hands ends with the left palm facing
               upward and the right palm facing downward while you are
               looking at the left arm in the left Climbing Mountain Stance,                                 (7)                 (7bis)

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