Page 20 - The Real truth about Traffic
P. 20

The Holy Grail…

        Once you achieve this:

        Average Visitor Value > Average Cost Per Click

        … you've reached „The Holy Grail.‟

        “But what if I‟m new and don‟t yet have a marketing funnel?”

        In beginning- you are in a race to find or create an offer that allows you to buy traffic, and
              extract more value out of it than what you paid, before you run out of money!

        Google story: owing over $1,000.00

        When starting out: Expect to put money into that vending machine and have it all
              swallowed up- that‟s part of the process.  But unless you're tracking, you won't know

        You'll be like the Wright brothers were... you'll build a lot of planes, that will crash into the ground and
              burst into a ball of flames. But, you've got to keep trying.

        Most people aren't willing to do that- they'll go and spend $200 on Facebook PPC ads, get no results,
              and assume that it does not work.
                                                                      (c) Matt Lloyd,
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