Page 25 - The Real truth about Traffic
P. 25

“But I‟m Just Not Good With


          If you're going to market online- you need to get comfortable around the
               numbers… knowing how to track numbers will not give you an
               advantage.  But NOT knowing how will put you at a distinct


          Because if you don't- you're going to be competing against people like
               me, who do know the numbers…

          And I'm going to be constantly finetuning my aircraft, and making it into

               the most graceful and aero-dynamic glider you've ever seen, so that
               whenever I send it some traffic, it flies...

          Anyone who‟s ever made over a million dollars online knows their

          Generally speaking, the more money they make, the more

               meticulous they are about their numbers…

                                                                      (c) Matt Lloyd,
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