Page 27 - The Real truth about Traffic
P. 27

The Automotive Industry Too…

        It‟s the same with the automotive industry.

        Since 1900… over 2000 automobile company‟s have been established... All but a few failed (less than
             10 major ones left)

        As on online entrepreneur- your main resource is traffic… and converting traffic into paying
             customers is what you are in the business of.

        And the one number that will have a bigger impact on the future of your business, will be average
             visitor value.

        If you can grow your average visitor value higher than your competitors, you can look forward to a long
             and prosperous future.


        You can afford to spend more to get traffic… outbid your competition, and reach out to traffic sources
             they can‟t buy profitably.

        Plus- if you can get a higher average visitor value than anyone in this market- you will never have to
             worry about getting traffic again. You'll have more traffic than you can handle (affiliates will send
             you traffic- eg. Magnetic Sponsoring)

        But you'll never get to that stage, unless you can maximise your average visitor value- and the only
             way you get to that, is to be constantly measuring and improving...
                                                                      (c) Matt Lloyd,
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