Page 30 - IMPRESSION Newsletter April19
P. 30


             Concerned                         Uncomfortable                                  Safety

     CUSsing for Safety

        Preventable medical errors are the third                State why you are Uncomfortable.
        leading cause of death in the United States             If a technologist tells a provider “I am
        and communication failure is the third most             uncomfortable because,” it conveys the message
        commonly identified root cause of all sentinel          that the technologist believes the provider may
        events. The CUS tool is a teamwork and                  have missed the expression of “concern,” which is
        communication framework developed to                    now elevated and at risk of turning into an error
        improve safe healthcare delivery through the            or dangerous situation.
        use of three very important words:
                                                                State that this is a Safety issue.
             Concerned
             Uncomfortable                                     Finally, when someone says “This is a safety
             Safety                                            issue,” the current action must stop and be
                                                                evaluated before continuing. Identify why it’s a
        Although, these three words certainly aren’t            safety issue and state what actions you think
        as “colorful” as other cuss words that should           should be taken.
        remain out of a professional healthcare
        setting, they serve vital role as an effective          Having a common framework of three simple
        verbal alarm, empowering healthcare                     words provides all team members an attention-
        providers to “stop the line.”                           grabbing communication tool as well as a clear
                                                                idea of the level of importance associated with any
        When you speak the signal words of the CUS              information. However, like any tool, these terms
        tool—Concern, Uncomfortable, Safety—you                 must be used when warranted if they are to
        alert team members and cue them to clearly              become a useful part of your safety culture.
        understand not just the issue but also its
        magnitude or severity. Every team member                Encouraging your team members to CUS when it
        should familiarize themselves with the CUS              is appropriate can provide considerable safety
        words and should be comfortable using them              enhancements throughout the organization
        and recognizing their underlying meaning..
        State your Concern

        When a member of the care team says the
        phrase “I am concerned about…,” the word
        “concerned” is being used to get the team’s or
        physician’s attention and ensure that
        everyone is actively listening to the concern.
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