Page 28 - IMPRESSION Newsletter April19
P. 28




     Miss Perfect Posture

        When the nation's chiropractors descended               Dr. P. Reginald Hug, a past president of the
        on Chicago for a weeklong convention in May             Association for the History of Chiropractic, tells
        1956, they threw a beauty contest.                      Shots. "We were the new kids on the block and
                                                                medicine didn't like us."
        The judges crowned Lois Conway, 18, Miss
        Correct Posture. Second place went to                   By crowning posture queens, the chiropractors
        Marianne Caba, 16, according to an account in           could build goodwill without making waves with
        the Chicago Tribune. Ruth Swenson, 26, came             traditional doctors. "It was a way to get PR that
        in third.                                               was kind of middle of the road," he says. The
                                                                message, he says, was that good posture leads to
        But this was no ordinary pageant.
                                                                good health. And chiropractors were the people to
        "All three were picked not only by their                get you on the right path.
        apparent beauty, and their X-rays, but also by
        their standing posture," the Tribune reported.          These contests date back to the 1920s, but they
        "Each girl stood on a pair of scales — one foot         became the rage during the '50s and '60s.
        to each — and the winning trio each registered          Contestants were typically judged on beauty and
        exactly half her weight on each scale,                  poise, posture, and X-rays to evaluate their spinal
        confirming the correct standing posture."               structure. "In those days, nobody was concerned
                                                                about radiation," Hug says.
        At the time, contests like this were pretty
        common. They were held to burnish the                   Physical fitness tests were added to many contests
        reputation of the profession. "Basically,               after 1963, when President Kennedy's Council on
        chiropractic had a PR problem. We were                  Physical Fitness drummed up interest in regular
        unlicensed in those days,"                              exercise.
                                                                There were some contests for men, too. But they

                                                                weren't as popular and didn't last very long, Hug
                                                                says, adding, "The guys always slouched."

                                                                In 1967, the reigning World Posture Fitness Queen
                                                                appeared on CBS's game show To Tell The Truth.
                                                                Hug says other winners snagged national TV
                                                                appearances, too.
                                                                But the pageants began to wane as chiropractors
                                                                achieved their licensure goals. The last big contest
                                                                was held in Chattanooga, Tenn., in 1969. "Their
                                                                time had come and gone," Hug says.
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