Page 27 - IMPRESSION Newsletter April19
P. 27

perform the highest quality image that fits the         write down what you think caused the image to
        needs of both the ordering provider and the             need repeating. You can learn a lot from your
        radiologist. This can be a difficult bridge to          mistakes if you put the effort in. Instead of
        negotiate as the needs of each may be in direct         continually making the same mistake, you can
        conflict with each other. This conundrum can            purchase an imaging critique book or find some
        often be difficult to reconcile. The following          information online which will help show you what
        basic tips may help address this issue:                 an over or under-rotated oblique lumber spine
        TIP #1: Communicate                                     looks like. From there, you can try to look at your
                                                                old images and see if your oblique lumber spine x-
        It sounds like a no brainier, but sometimes a           rays look like they are typically over-rotated or
        short discussion with the provider may help to          under-rotated.
        enlighten them to the radiologist’s need for a
        high quality exam. In some cases, a phone call          Tip #5: Do the same thing every time
        to the radiologist could provide a bit of               There is a saying in the imaging world, “first time
        guidance to help perform the best exam that             every time.” One way to help consistently produce
        meets the needs of the all involved.                    high quality images is to do the same thing every
        TIP #2: Know your equipment                             time, IE having a system. This was particularly
                                                                helpful when doing portable exams since you
        Not all equipment or imaging rooms for that             never know what situation you are going into.
        matter are the same. In order to best prepare           Tip #6: Be smooth
        yourself for success, you need to know the
        nuts and bolts and how each manufacturers               Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast.” No one likes to
        equipment works. Here are some examples.                hear this, especially in a hospital as busy as ours.
                                                                However, when you are rushing through exams in
           •  Are the techniques saved within the               a frantic attempt to keep up with the seemingly
               imaging system accurate?                         endless volume of orders, you hurt all involved.
           •  Do you fully understand how to                    Working fast leads to mistakes and errors that
               navigate within the imaging system’s             often lead to additional work and wasted time.
               computer interface?                              Working smooth allows for a consistent quality,

        Knowing these points, will not only                     increased awareness, and an overall better result
        dramatically increase your chances of success           for all involved. If you look closely at how elite
        but will also save you from looking confused            infantry move, it is normally somewhere between
        once you are in the middle of an exam.                  a walk and a run while rhythmically scanning the
                                                                battlefield in all directions. “Slow is smooth”
        TIP #3: Learn from your co-workers
                                                                should not be used as justification for paralysis by
        There can be a tendency within some Imaging             analysis. The central premise of the philosophy is
        Departments to want to be known as a                    movement—movement that is considered but also
        “RADTECH SUPERSTAR or SUPERTECH!”                       constant.
        However, at the end of the day the mission is
        to help people get better not get a big.
        Sometimes, a technologist must eat a little
        crow and asked another tech who is
        particularly good at a certain type of exam to
        show you there technique. By doing this, you
        will be able to learn a few simple tips that
        would have otherwise taken ten years and
        over 100 retakes to figure out.

        Tip #4 Learn from bad images
        Next time you over rotate an oblige lumber
        spine or clip the pubic symphysis on a KUB,
        instead of just repeating the image, take a
        second to either take a mental note or actually
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